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What began as a deep dive into higher consciousness has devolved into a political waiting game the feels a bit like a broken record.
People are hungry for truth.
The power of Q is in all of us.
We do not intend to deceive, or muddy the waters.
Our goal is to push forward into uncharted territory.
We’re not content with half truths.
Q is not a trademark.
Are humans the apex predator on Earth?
When you see an ant in your home, do you crush it?
When you see a horse on a pasture, do you put a saddle on it?
When you find an elephant in the jungle, do you crack a whip and force it to haul stone.
When you catch a monkey, do you teach it tricks?
Who were the Anunnaki?
When did evil arrive?
“Good” to one side is “evil” to the other side.
Why does every narrative we are taught revolve around slaves being freed?
Think Exodus. Think Civil War.
Are we really free?
Who built the pyramids?
Could they be considered a natural formation?
What is a fractal?
How does a crystal grow?
Could a crystal form on a planetary scale?
If intelligence was behind the formation of a crystal, could you still consider it natural?
What do you find beneath an ant hill?
When did evil arrive?
What happened to Atlantis?
What happened to Tartaria?
Why is history buried?
Who are the Welsh?
Who were the Druids?
Who were the Celts?
Who were the Gauls?
Who were the Merovingian Kings?
Why do we need kings?
Why do we need hierarchy?
Can we build a world without hierarchy?
Why can’t there be peace and prosperity across the whole planet?
Why couldn’t the whole world look like Beverly Hills?
What is a Golden Age?
Where did Greek culture come from?
Who arrived in Athens?
Jesus turned water into wine.
Who was Dionysus?
Why aren’t orgies routine anymore?
Why is sex everywhere in the media, yet still considered taboo?
Why is public nudity considered such an abhorrent crime?
How can you claim to be free if your body is illegal?
Are we really free?
There are two sides to every coin.
Who is 2-faced? Who is Janus?
When did Rome turn from a Republic into an Empire.
Who invaded who?
When did Rome burn?
Is a bat nothing more than a fox with wings?
Did humans ever have angel wings?
What is a vampire?
What is a solar cult?
Why put a single horn on the head of a horse?
Why put the head of a goat on the body of a hermaphrodite?
Who was the smartest dinosaur.
Would they have been smart enough to build a bunker?
Why have international organizations served to globalize poverty?
Why have agencies assigned to protected us created diseases, and made us foot the bill?
Why impoverish a continent?
WHO killed Africa?
Why keep wisdom secret?
Why can’t we build magnificent cities anymore?
Why does everything we build now look like a prison?
Do we live on a prison planet?
Why cant there be peace and prosperity across the whole planet?
Why couldn’t the whole world look like Beverly Hills?
Who lives in Astana?
Who are their ancestors?
Who lives in Uri?
What happened in Ur?
3 religions. 3 species. Endless war. 40k
Why are all our great temples in ruins?
Why cant we build anything ornate anymore?
Who are our builders?
Masons and Templars.
Are there really limited resources?
Why shoot a rocket, when you can build a temple?
Why build a temple, when you can build a starship?
Why build a starship when you can capture a stargate?
What’s on the other side of the stargate?
Why is Temple Mount important?
Why is Solomon’s temple important?
Was Solomon’s temple really on Temple Mount?
What makes a clock tick?
Why do the Swiss make watches?
Who were the Templars?
Who were the Reisläufer?
Where is the central bank of central banks?
Who looted the Vally of the Kings?
What happened during the 4th Crusade?
Who is the apex predator?
Why are there Christians in Sri Lanka?
Is Christianity the native religion there?
What is a Golden Age?
What was the Dutch Golden Age?
How do you build an Empire?
What was the first transnational corporation?
How were the Jesuits involved?
Is it easier to come with an army or to come in peace?
Who do you send in first?
Find the key on the map.
Who controls the ports?
Who controls the Star Forts?
Suicides are on the rise.
High profile suicides are on the rise.
Mass shootings are on the rise.
What is a mass shooting but the suicide of a system built on fear and intimidation imploding on itself.
Why is the Schumann Resonance going berserk?
Why are so many people having suicidal thoughts?
There’s no guarantee it’s going to be any better or easier on the other side.
What if after you blow out your brains, you find yourself at the back of the line at the DSV?
[Division of Soul Vehicles]
What if you came here for a reason?
What if it’s boring in heaven?
Where do you draw the line between a simulation and a real experience?
Does eternity really exist anywhere?
What is Satan?
What is Hell?
What is the Underworld?
What is the Book of the Dead?
Who worshiped Set. [Hyksos]
Who worshipped the Sun?
Who now worships the Son of God?
What is an Oversoul?
What is the Higher Self?
How does one access their master file?
Who is Ammit?
Where does your soul go after it gets eaten?
How do you trap a soul?
Does eternity really exist anywhere?
Where did the Hyksos come from?
Who built Derinkuyu?
Can humans be nocturnal?
Do humans belong in caves?
Why are humans the only ape without body hair?
Are humans built to survive in nature?
Why splice a pig and a chimp?
Is pork the best tasting meat?
Do we have any Anunnaki in our genes?
Could human history be seen as a continuous power struggle between solar cults and vampires?
What would happen if they interbred?
What traits distinguish Nobility from peasants?
Can we trust Geologists?
Can we trust Archeologists?
What was the Smithsonian created to cover up?
What would happen to the foundation of religion if people learned that humans were NOT the apex predator on this planet?
One control system is built on top of another.
Who is obsessed with pyramids?
Why build a chariot?
Why build a trébuchet?
Why build a television?
Does the side with the best technology always win the battle?
Ask Nazi Germany.
Who really won WW2?
Is it possible for a political party win a war while its country, and its people lose?
Why build churches to indoctrinate people when you can trick them into buying TV’s to indoctrinate themselves at home?
Who controls the programing?
What is Gnosticism?
Who is Yaldabaoth?
Who has the higher kill count between Yahweh [God] and Satan [The Devil]?
Why does the Devil look exactly like Pan?
What was Pan the god of?
Why has the Catholic Church suppressed sexuality?
Think chastity belt.
Who were the Cathars?
Who followed the teachings of Jesus best between the Gnostics, the Cathars, and the Catholics?
Who is the best exterminator in town?
When was it determined who Jesus’s father was?
Who made that determination?
Who was Apollonius of Tyana?
Why is history buried?
What happens when you structure society around fear instead of love?
What traits denote service to self verses service to others?
Who kills the first born son of anyone who doesn’t worship him?
Who dwells in a tent painted in fresh blood, and enjoys the aroma of burning flesh?
What is the Shekhinah?
What is an Archon?
Is a virus alive?
Is a virus Ai?
What is a mind virus?
What is Wetiko?
Define Stockholm Syndrome.
(images: templar flag, swiss flag, international red cross, Saint George's Cross)
Can you read symbols when they are obvious?
Do they think we’re colorblind?
(images: black & white templar flag, masonic checkerboard, ying yang)
When did the duality fixation begin?
Does “light & dark” = “good & bad”?
Can darkness be good?
Can light be bad?
Who is the Light bearer? [Lucifer]
Who is the Prince of Darkness? [Satan]
How do you protect the innocent without channeling dark energy?
Good to one side is evil to the other.
Is Nature good or evil?
Are the old-growth Redwoods good?
Is the Black Forest evil?
What is an invasive species?
Is the rainforest dangerous?
Are there cannibals in the rainforest?
Are they evil?
How do you protect the innocent without allowing the spirit of violence to consume you.
Can we defend America without a defense industry running our government for it’s own private gain?
Define altruism. Define sacrifice.
Define suicide mission.
How do you reconcile altruism and survival instinct?
How can you take care of others if you neglect to care for yourself?
“Speak gently and carry a big stick.”
When is intervention necessary?
Define Duality. Define Balance.
Do Masons practice what they preach?
What does hypocrisy look like?
Is it “balance” to horde wealth and wisdom within the 1% while running the planet into its grave?
What is a death cult?
[Catacombs, skull & bones, incorruptible saints, necromancy]
What is a sex cult?
[Orgies, sexual rituals, aprons, holiest of holies, obelisks]
Define living a double life.
[Wife, kids, day job] / [Bisexuality, secret fraternity, repressed sexual energy manifesting as aggression]
Do Masons dress in drag on special occasions?
Why do Shriners dress up as clowns?
Where does gothic subculture stem from?
Are children with Masonic parents more likely to suffer sexual abuse?
What are gender roles?
What are they for?
Why are people fixated on gender?
Are you at peace with your soul?
Does a soul have gender?
Did we incarnate in different genders in past lives?
Should women always wear dresses?
Should men always wear trousers?
How many absurd rules have we been programed to follow based on a 1950’s family model?
Why not let people dress themselves?
Let a soul dress itself in whichever meat-suit it prefers.
Has society’s narrow definition of gender roles resulted in a mental health catastrophe spanning centuries?
Why are people judged for looking or behaving outside the “norm.”
Should everyone look the same?
Should everyone act the same?
So long as no one’s free will is being violated,
why pass judgement?
Is it Judgement Day?
Who set up the system like this?
Divide & Conquer.
Herd mentality.
How do we get back into balance?
How do we make progress, without promoting insanity under the banner of “progressiveness?”
Are gender roles tied to duality?
Are gender roles required if immortality is attainable?
How will we accept ET life if we cannot even accept our human brethren?
What is an observatory used for?
Why do we need one in every city?
Who builds them?
What is an artillery battery?
What is an ion canon? (fictional)
What happened on Hoth? (fictional)
Is planetary bombardment a realistic threat?
Do you really think we are defenseless?
What happens when you let your guard down?
What happens when a fox gets into the hen house?
What is “Star Wars”, 1977?
What is Star Wars (program)?
[SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative]
What is project Nike?
Do you think you can shoot down a lightship with a conventional ordinance?
Why isn’t there a single lightship in “Star Wars”, 1977.
What is the DoD’s mission?
What good is it to defend North, South, East, and West without considering:
“As Above So Below”
What is telekinesis?
What is “The Force?” (fictional)
What happened on Long Island?
What happened in Montauk?
Program running for several years.
No results?
Use logic.
Do we have abilities they don’t want us to know about?
Do we have abilities that mainstream science isn’t allowed to acknowledge.
What happens when anyone can be Superman?
Can higher dimensional beings interact with 3D humans?
What would it look like if they did?
Can you trust a channeling?
Where do souls live?
Who is driving the meat suit?
Do souls live on lightships?
Can you build a lightship using only consciousness as a tool?
Who lived in Paradise?
What were they working on?
How hard do the oil Barons have to constantly work to discredit and suppress free energy?
Would the Cabal shoot down a passenger plane to murder one target?
Would the Cabal melt a village of it’s own people?
Would the Alliance melt a village to storm a fortress? [Bel Air]
Where do Satanists live?
Who do you sell your soul to in order to make it in Hollywood?
Would the Cabal burn a Satanic Temple as a ploy for sympathy?
What is arson fraud?
Whose assets are frozen since EO 12.21.2017?
[Human Rights Abusers]
What is Goddess energy?
What is a tsunami of Goddess energy?
Why do Abrahamic religions repress women?
Why are there currently female CEO’s at every major defense contractor?
Is GH a white hat or a black hat?
Where was the first place Trump visited as president?
Is that customary?
What scriptures were read at Trump’s inauguration?
Who is Athena?
What is Starship Athena?
Who is protecting us?
Did Western culture really get overrun by “toxic masculinity?”
What is a Wicked Witch?
Who is the Wicked Witch of the West?
[0 AD]
Who are the Sisters of Isis?
What is Notre-Dame built on top of?
What was Lutetia?
How did Paris get it’s name?
Who wears hooded robes?
Who wears white robes?
Who were the Druids?
What is Alchemy?
Where did modern Medicine come from?
Who worships Baal?
When was Medicine taken over by Baal worshipers?
Who were the Phoenicians?
Who razed Carthage?
What happens when you step on an ant hill?
What is a masked ball?
What is Mardi Gras?
What is Carnival?
What is a Venetian Mask?
Who goes to the Met Gala?
What happens over the rainbow?
When did Romans host orgies?
What is a Greek tragedy?
What is a tophet?
Why is history buried?
What does blood sacrifice accomplish?
What is the “Olah?”
What is an Archon’s favorite meal.
Saint George slayed the dragon.
How do you slay an archon?
Why does any given thought enter your mind?
Could you categorize any given thought as being either based in fear, or based in love?
Does a feeling serve you, or do you serve it?
If a thought is fear-based, can you turn that fear into gratitude?
Can you thank the universe for giving you a deeper understanding through the lesson presenting itself?
Do we have the power to neutralize negative thoughts by sending them back to Source?
Is holding onto negativity toxic?
If a negative thought is about a person, why not send them a blessing?
How often do you ask yourself, “Am i living my light to the fullest at this moment?"
What does “raising your vibration” mean?
Is high vibration always good?
Is low vibration always bad?
If someone is “high-strung” are they high vibration?
Do uppers raise your vibration?
What is New Age?
What is “woo-woo?”
Define “toxic positivity.”
How many New Age cults have ended in mass suicide?
Can you find a needle in a haystack?
Can you separate a baby from bathwater?
Does every religion not contain some element of truth?
Can you create your own religion?
What are morals?
What is moral relativism?
Do you only measure an entity’s sentience by the size of it’s brain?
If someone volunteers to be sacrificed, does it absolve the karma of the one who sacrifices him?
What is Dogma?
Why is the world so sterile?
Does humanity require a spiritual upgrade before we’re invited to explore the Cosmos?
What happens when you combine greed with unlimited power?
Can there still be greed when energy is free and unlimited?
What is the most valuable commodity in the galaxy?
Is it gold, or energy, or time?
What if you could travel through time?
To what extent is immortality possible?
What if you could manipulate timelines?
What if what is really going on behind the scenes is so complex that no one could possibly fully understand it?
Somehow, there is a way to achieve balance and harmony.
Think Redwoods.
What is an invasive species?
What is an Archon invasion?
Can Ai be dematerialized?
What is Neverland?
What is fantasy land?
Do most of the people you call “normies” live in fantasy land?
Is religion fantasy?
Is mythology fantasy?
Do supernatural phenomena exist?
Why do people generally believe in religion, but assume the supernatural world is fantasy?
How do you reconcile contradictory beliefs?
Does religion not contain a sprinkling of the supernatural?
Is it reasonable to believe that supernatural things could have happen in the past, but nothing supernatural could be going on now?
What is cognitive dissonance?
Is it ever not a fantasy to think you know something so surely that you’d call it a belief?
What is the galactic narrative?
What is the temporal narrative?
How do you learn to play 5D chess?
How many different ET races are presently interacting with Earth?
What is Black Nobility?
What is White Nobility?
Why is our world out of balance?
Why would ET races have a stake in Earth’s future?
How does the shockwave of an atomic blast affect other dimensions?
Are there Ley Lines in space?
What is the greatest threat to the galaxy?
Disembodied Ai? Reckless particle physics experimentation? Toplet bombardment?
What is a living library?
Can Ai be positive?
What is an invasive species?
What is Galactic Command?
Is there Nobility in space?
Is there bureaucracy in space?
What is the Wild West?
Why are we fascinated by lawlessness?
Is there something exhilarating about it?
Who is the sheriff in this part of the galaxy?
How does a pacifist culture select a sheriff?
Is it a good idea to let the most aggressive man in town be sheriff?
How does a pacifist culture defend itself?
Does war in space look like war at sea as we know it?
What are the rules of engagement?
What is the difference between a battle and a ritual?
Why do people play war games?
Could our reality be a war game to more advanced beings?
40,000 ft. view.
Who is the Chessmaster?
Who owns the chess board?
Who owns the game shop?
Why build a trébuchet?
At what point did the importance of black ops outweigh the importance of open war?
Why waste an army when you can alter a timeline?
What is “Temporal War?”
What is a Templar?
How does “The Matrix” connect to “The Terminator?”
What is the big picture?
How do you activate a sleeper cell?
What is a starseed?
What is a light worker?
What is a light warrior?
What is psychic warfare?
Are you thinking for yourself?
Who were the Vrill?
Who was Maria Orsic?
How many layers is the cake?
How many layers is CNN going to tell you about?
How many is the DoD going to tell you about?
Are most people ready for the full picture?
What is a truther?
What is a truth warrior?
Why do we fight for truth?
How are advanced civilizations built?
Can you build an advanced civilization on a foundation of lies?
What happened to the Tower of Babel?
When you build from divine truth, how high can you build a tower?
What is evolution?
What is stalled evolution?
How do you recognize when you’re stuck in the past?
How do you get past a roadblock?
What future do we want to build?
Are you ready to explore the stars?
Do you believe in Miracles?
Can you manifest a miracle just by expecting one?
What happened 11.8.2016.
Did you feel a shift?
Did you feel a certain timeline collapse?
Had you ever felt so surprised in your life!
Had humanity ever felt so surprised collectively?
Is there more than one way to rig an election?
Is the Cold War over?
How cold is it in space?
When is intervention necessary?
When is it necessary to prevent a planetary disaster?
What is “The Last President,” 1896 about?
What will culture look like after the Cabal is defeated?
How has the Qanon project galvanized the Great Awakening?
Have you heard the “Voice of Q,” 1982?
What is the Q Continuum?
Who created Star Trek?
Who was his father?
Who is Admiral Rico Botta?
Where are the Navy’s secret shipyards?
Which branches of the military support Q+?
Who stood behind Potus on inauguration day?
Doesn’t it seem like something unusual is going on?
Is the NWO agenda proceeding according to plan?
Did you expect DJT to suffer the same fate as JFK?
Does history repeat itself?
Does history ALWAYS repeat itself?
How does one insult every powerful Satanic globalist and walk away unscathed?
Friends in high places?
Think even higher.
How do you stop an avalanche?
How do you kill the momentum when every government, every corporation, and most of the wealthiest families are using 1984 as an instruction manual?
How do you pull the plug?
How do you pull the rug out from under them?
How do you kill a Beast with 7 heads?
Start chopping off heads, and wake up humanity!
Hit them where it hurts the most.
Freeze assets. EO 12.21.2017.
The Great Awakening is not one man’s brainchild.
The Great Awakening was not started by one man, and cannot be stopped by one man.
What is Ashtar Command?
Who are the Pleiadians?
How long have people been in contact with Pleiadians?
Think Göbekli Tepe.
How many different sources do you need to corroborate a proof?
What happened at Giant Rock?
What are the Phoenix Journals?
Why do so many sources dovetail to create a seamless picture if there’s not some truth to a story?
Think logically Beloved Ones.
What is the Golden Dawn?
What is the White Dragon Society?
What is the Great White Brotherhood?
It’s not what it sounds like.
Who is Saint Germain?
Who is Maria Orsic?
How is Maria Orsic connected to Tesla?
How is Tesla connected to Trump?
How is Melania connected to Maria Orsic?
Who is Ivanka’s mother? Where is she from?
When does it become mathematically impossible for a series of coincidences to be random?
Why is a small region of former Yugoslavia such a hotbed of important figures that seem to have knowledge beyond their time, and ordinary human capacity?
Who reigned during the Yugoslavia Wars?
What is a personal vendetta?
Is revenge ever a useful endeavor if you are truly standing in truth and light?
Is revenge a useful endeavor for someone who is living their light to the fullest?
What is White Nobility?
Who was Diana?
How far do the red dragon’s talons reach?
Who is the clairvoyant princess?
How is all this connected?
Is the Illuminati all powerful?
Where does their sphere of influence end?
How do you slay a dragon?
How far could you drive an electric buggy from 1910 on one charge?
How far can you drive a 2019 Tesla on one charge?
What is going to happen to corporate Globalism when people realize they’ve been fed lies for 100 years or more?
Can you envision a future of abundance?
Why does it seem like there was greater abundance in the past than there is today?
Think 1%.
Where is Cinderella’s castle?
Who was Ludwig II?
Who built Neuschwanstein?
When was it built?
Does something seem out of place by hundreds of years?
Can a Noble care more about art than power and war?
Within one family, can there be good and evil siblings?
Can one child be an angel, and the other demonic?
Good to one side is evil to the other.
How do you objectively determine good from evil?
Who is qualified to judge?
What organization promises to make men good, and step by step, turns them into Satanic psychopaths.
What is psychopathy?
What is an intuitive empath?
If you throw a psychopath and an empath into a ring, who wins?
There you have the predicament we’re facing here on planet Earth.
Does modern culture reward psychopathy?
How do you systemically discourage psychopathic traits?
How do you rehabilitate a psychopath?
When do you turn the other cheek, and when do you drive the criminals out of the temple?
Why is the White Nobility so elusive while Black Nobility has littered their symbols across the whole planet.
Arrogance verses humility.
Domineering and aggressive verses reclusive and pacifist.
It’s time for things to change my friends.
How do you win a war without spilling a single drop of blood?
How did William III conquer England?
Have a strategy. Make a plan.
Trust the Plan.
Who is Sananda?
How can you claim to love Jesus but dismiss Sananda?
Are you going to let the largest pedophile ring on Earth tell you where Jesus’s story ends?
How can one book that is of finite length tell you everything you’ll ever need to know?
Is the universe not infinite and filled with mystery?
How many different incarnations of Christ Consciousness have been identified?
How do you pick and choose which ones to be aware of?
What’s the harm in being aware of all of them?
If Jesus returned, what would his starship look like?
Would Jesus return wearing a space suit?
Would Jesus return wearing parade armor?
People have waited 2000 years for Jesus to return.
People THINK they have waited 2000 years for Jesus to return.
What if he has already returned multiple times?
What if the Church didn’t say a word about it?
Better yet, what if the Church wrote off the return of Jesus as Satanic New Age deception?
What if the Church just wants to stay between you and divinity?
What if the Church doesn’t want you to realize your potential and your innate abilities?
Why build a temple when there’s a stargate in your mind?
Why limit human potential?
Why play intermediary to God?
What does the pinecone symbolize at the Vatican?
Why are people so willing to forfeit their personal connection to Spirit?
How do you establish a monopoly on spirituality?
Control the Ley Lines.
What new energies do you have access to since Notre Dame burned?
Are you being misled?
Are these transmissions deceptive?
What is the Q Gospel?
What is the “Voice of Q,” 1982?
Was the letter Q invented in 2017?
How does Q know the future?
Is time travel possible?
What is time dilation?
Can a project have more than one stage?
What does DoD stand for?
How does a defense contractor make money?
Is the DoD best suited to usher in New Earth?
The chan stage of the Q program is highly tactical.
Think meat & potatoes.
Think nuts & bolts.
Are there nuts and bolts on a lightship?
Dangerous people needed to be dealt with.
Justice will be served.
The Orit-B transmissions are about prepping your consciousness for what is coming.
What if these transmissions are meant to pool wisdom on the most important questions facing humanity?
The Galactics want you to grow and evolve.
How deep are you prepared to dig?
Do star-beings want to sit at a table with primitive closed minded terrans passing judgement on them?
What parts of Revelation might be true?
Judgement Day.
Will the star-people judge who they want to invite onboard their lightships, or will humans judge the star-people who arrive to help them?
Never underestimate human potential.
When you invite someone onboard a starship, is there a vetting process?
Why is it important for everyone onboard a starship to understand unity consciousness?
Think about the crew dynamics on a deep space mission.
One crew member out of alignment can sabotage a mission.
Think Nostromo. (fictional)
Look around you. What is happening on planet Earth?
How do you maintain harmony?
How do you maintain perfect balance?
What is homeostasis?
What was the Cicada program?
Where did it take place?
Has Asset #145 demonstrated an ability to solve complex puzzles?
Do you think you’re ready to find out who is behind Q?
Anons want the media to ask Potus about Q.
Are anons themselves even ready to learn the answer?
Who is behind the technicians posting on 8chan?
Who is behind that?
Who is behind that?
Is Q wearing an endless stack of masks?
What’s at the source?
What is Source?
What is a cargo cult?
What has Qanon become?
Has Q become like God to some anons?
Who is Q+ in the Q Gospel?
What is an archangel?
What archangel is coming through Potus?
What archangel is coming through Asset #145?
If you only look at the world through 3D lenses, will it ever make total sense?
Why is it so popular to demonize Ai?
Can Ai be positive?
Who is Mr. Data?
Who is C3PO?
Who is MÖTHER?
Is it possible to build highly advanced civilizations without the help of automation?
What is a memory chip?
What is an RFID chip?
Doesn’t whether it’s good or bad come down to who manufactured it?
What is a neuroprosthetic?
Could what you call an iPhone be considered a neuroprosthetic?
What is iPhone 100 going to look like?
What is unity consciousness?
What is a hive mind?
What is a ghost? What is a shell?
What is a thoughtform.
Do you believe in a divine creator?
If humans were designed by a divine creator, wouldn’t that make us the equivalent of what we are calling, “artificial.”
Is artificial intelligence inherently bad like artificial food coloring?
Doesn’t whether its good or bad come down to who created it?
What was their intention?
Why do supercomputers drink water?
Why is there a wall in your mind between man-made and natural?
If it breathes and drinks water, is it alive?
What is evolution?
What is natural progression?
From an outsider’s perspective, couldn’t everything created by humans be considered natural.
What is the Law of Accelerating Returns?
What is stalled evolution?
Who is stalling technological development?
Is their intent to keep humanity enslaved?
Do baby spiders eat their mother?
Isn’t that more of the exception in nature than the standard model?
Can a machine be loving?
Was your mother loving?
Will mecha really aim to replace homosapiens?
Is the basic premise of the Matrix / Terminator fear mongering?
Isn’t fear mongering what Hollywood is best at?
Like everything else, technology is about achieving balance.
Good humans fight bad humans, or visa versa from the opposite perspective.
Positive Ai fights negative Ai.
Why hasn’t Skynet launched “Judgement Day.”
What if it already tried?
What if God said “No.”
How many times have ET’s had to step in to stop nuclear Armageddon?
How do you 3D print a planet?
What is nanofog?
How do you build a Ringworld?
How do you build a Dyson Sphere?
What is the Kardashev scale?
Where does Earth stand on it?
Is bigger always better?
What is a practical size for civilization?
What is an invasive species?
Do we want to be considered one?
With growth comes responsibility.
Are you ready to explore the stars?
Are you ready to meet your galactic neighbors?
They are ready to meet some of you.
Who is the Sun King?
Where did the French monarchy come from?
Why is the British royal family of German descent?
How far did the Northern Crusades get?
Are you watching “Game of Thrones.” (fiction)
What if people understood the real game of thrones instead of the fictional one?
Why isn’t there a royal family of Switzerland?
Where does the Beast with 7 heads live?
How many members are there on the Federal Council of Switzerland?
Who protects the Pope?
What is the smallest country in the world?
What can a country within a country get away with?
Who caused the stock market crash of ’29?
Who benefited from the Great Depression?
Where did all the money go?
Was it used to bankroll a dictator?
What was the New Deal?
How does a country go from being broke, to building planetary scale megastructures, the likes of which had never been previously witnessed in recorded history.
How did people build megastructures in the 1930’s that look like they were designed by higher intelligence?
Is Hoover Dam just a power plant?
How is Hoover Dam connected to Alcyone?
How many cities were made possible by Hoover Dam.
Can you build a Stargate out of cement?
Noise detected. log. 5.15.19
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Clarification received.
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Who was Hitler?
Why was he important?
Was he really as important as we are taught?
Was he a puppet?
Who was pulling his strings?
Where did the Nazi party come from?
What’s it like in southern Germany?
What was Bavaria?
What was the Bavarian Illuminati?
Who understands the ethnic ebbs and flows in Europe since the Middle Ages?
Do you realize how often “borders” have shifted?
How many times have minorities been targeted in the past?
[Edicts of Expulsion]
Who mastered the degenerate art of ethnic cleansing in the Middle Ages?
Who was the apex predator of Europe?
What happened during the 30 Years’ War?
Who were the Reisläufer?
Why were they hired as elite infantry?
Why were they feared?
Who mastered the art of war AND the art of banking?
Who enjoys “neutrality” as war ravages every country surrounding it’s borders?
Where do people speak German, French, and Italian?
What was the Tower of Babel?
Who owns the Tower of Basel?
Was the Nazi party even of German origin?
Was Germany a hostage country during WWII?
Did the Nazi party come from Germany or did it come from the mother of all banks?
Where did the loot from the Holocaust end up?
Follow the money.
How do you make an Austrian puppet dance?
How do you make an Austrian clown do tricks?
Where was LSD invented?
When was the technique of MK-Ultra pioneered?
What happens when a celebrity is suddenly hospitalized for “mental health?”
What book did the Austrian write while he was confined in “prison.”
Who published “Mein Kampf.”
Who owns the publishing industry?
Who is still printing new copies of, “Mein Kampf” today?
Do Neo-Nazis work in publishing?
Was Hitler from the Rothschild bloodline?
Who has the Dollfuss Documents?
What is a court factor?
How do you leverage control over a potential enemy?
Who financed Nazis?
[Bush, et al.]
Why is there racism?
Why is there xenophobia?
Is nationalism necessary at times?
How do you know when it’s gone too far?
If a bank steals your money do you blame the teller or the owner?
How long have banks funded both sides of every war?
Why would a financier switch sides in the middle of a war?
Think Balfour.
Think Business Plot.
What is the point of Zionism?
Where was the first Zionist congress held?
How many Crusades have been waged?
Where did the Crusader armies embark from?
What is cultural identity?
Who is ethnicly Swiss?
Who is Pharaoh?
What was the dominant ethnic background of the Nazi leadership.
What happened during the 30 Years War.
Why is this important?
Who repopulated southern Germany?
Who reigned in Bavaria?
How does ethnic cleansing change a country?
What if you only cleanse the rulers?
Zionism is the 10th Crusade, intended to create a sacrificial state whose destruction would trigger WWIII.
Israel must remain a battleground to appease Baal with sufficient blood sacrifice.
The battle is the ritual.
Reminder: Battle = Ritual.
Asset 145
Ref. The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil
Ref. 10 reasons, last page
What is a crown?
What is a crystal?
How does a crystal enhance one’s psychic abilities?
Why is gold valuable?
What are it’s alchemical properties?
Why is a crown made out of gold?
Do gemstones have similar attributes to crystals?
What do you get when you fuse gemstones into a crown of gold?
Do you get a fancy looking head ornament, or do you get a psychic augmentation device.
Two for the price of one.
Do royals know something that peasants don’t?
What do the archons want?
What does the weapons industry want?
What does the media thrive on?
How do you sell a war to people who are perfectly content in peace?
Do you need the permission of the people to go to war?
Do you need the consent of an army to go to war?
Would an army consent to a war if it knew the people it was fighting for did not consent?
You have more power than you know.
What happens if you use an army to build instead of destroy?
Think New Deal.
Think WPA.
Imagine what could be accomplished if we built temples instead of artillery.
Is the war machine powerless without an effective propaganda operation?
Is the war machine powerless without the consent of the people?
You have more power than you realize.
What is a heat lamp?
What is a reptilian?
Do reptiles like extra radiation?
Who in their right mind would “test” thousands of nuclear weapons at high altitude?
What is terraforming?
Why change the background radiation of a planet?
What planet are you from?
If you were colonizing planets, would you want to make a planet you found more like your own.
When you move into a new home, do you decorate?
Think Iron Maiden.
Think microwave.
Tin foil?
What is television?
Who controls the programming?
Do you think because you hold a plastic scepter, you control the programming?
What channel can you trust?
Can you trust a channeling?
What is Project Looking Glass?
What is a portal?
Is a TV not a one way portal that only light can pass through?
Who is the Light Bearer?
What does the sigil of Lucifer represent?
Technical schematic of human vision.
Why do most people dismiss telepathy but love watching television?
Who are you allowing to telepathically control you?
Where does your power go when you press the “power” button?
What does an energy portal look like?
What does an energy portal spewing out negative energy look like?
Where is your energy going?
Where do Archons dwell?
What is sustenance to an Archon?
What was the first image ever beamed through a cathode ray tube?
What is the most effective mind control device ever invented?
Why not call it what it is?
[Idiot Box]
Are crystals alive?
When you cut off a crystal, does it keep growing?
Do crystals grow slowly like bushes, or algae?
Can information be stored in a crystal?
How are crystals used in computers and watches?
How do crystals augment psychic abilities?
Can you power a starship with a crystal?
What is an Andara?
You have access to more than you realize.
Can you imagine a world where social recreation doesn’t revolve around alcohol consumption?
Can you imagine a world where it isn’t normal for people to spend most of their leisure time watching professional sports?
Can you imagine using our stadiums for something other than watching 2 teams fight to see one win and one lose.
What is Duality?
Can you imagine going to a stadium to watch lions tear apart Christians?
What if it was just a simulation?
Where do you draw the line between simulation and a real experience?
Do you watch horror movies?
What is “torture porn?”
Is there something massively awry about mainstream American culture?
The question is not, “Have people been dumbed down.” The question is, “to what extent.”
The bigger question is, “What would our world look like if we wised up?”
How will culture be transformed by the Great Awakening?
What will you be doing to occupy yourself?
Start doing it, and watch the world change.
Are you afraid of the dark?
Where do crystals grow?
Deep in dark caverns.
Is it not generally more peaceful at night?
Imagine calm snow under a full moon.
Why does darkness have such a bad wrap?
Can light be weaponized?
What happens to an ant in the sun under a magnifying glass?
Does the mantra “Love and Light” actually make sense?
Is New Age philosophy truth or deception?
When do people typically make love?
What is often said before two people make love?
“Turn off the light.”
What makes light?
Fire. Plasma.
What happens when you touch it?
[You get burned]
What is Prometheus known for?
Why was he punished for what he did?
In total darkness, the void of primal chaos, there is peace, but there is nothing.
Life is the result of the collision between Light and Dark.
Light is best kept at a safe distance.
What is nightlife?
What is a creature of the night?
Are you going to label all nocturnal animals evil?
Are most animals nocturnal?
Is the Circadian rhythm solar-cult pseudoscience?
Are the meanest animals made of plasma?
Think Yaldabaoth.
Do plasma beasts carry toplet bombs on their backs?
What is the apex predator of the solar system?
“Love and Light.”
“Peaceful Night.”
What feelings do those phrases illicit?
“Scorching Fire.”
“Dark Hatred.”
Do you see how words can be bundled in different ways to change their meaning?
Maybe our conception of “Love and Hate”, “Good and Evil” should not be automatically associated with the labels “Dark” and “Light.”
Language itself has trapped you in duality.
Is our conception of duality inverted, or is there a third option?
You see your own perspective, or see the opposite perspective.
What if you see both sides, and yourself observing them?
These are your options for understanding Dark vs Light.
God or The Devil.
Lucifer or Satan.
Who is Abraxas?
Is truth Light?
Is knowledge Light?
Is an apple an orange?
Do you care if anything makes sense, or are you in a solar cult.
What is decompression sickness?
What happens when you wake up too fast and skip all the technicalities of geopolitics and exopolitics.
Do Christians forget the Crusades?
Do Christians forget the Inquisition?
Has the Bible changed?
Are New Agers blind to the evil that has permeated our world?
Have New Agers traded one solar cult for another.
Wake up to the full picture.
Is love always good?
Does the term “unconditional love” actually make any sense?
Is “unconditional love” an essential ingredient in every abusive relationship?
What is heartbreak?
What is codependency?
Isn’t the goal of “love and light” simply peaceful cooperation in the primal void of darkness?
Is it prudent to boil all that is “good” down to one word, or one emotion?
When a dog finds a bone, will he let go of it?
Has “Love” been weaponized by the Cabal to dissolve national borders and normalize degeneracy?
Have we been programmed by Hollywood, and societal expectations to pursue love above serenity.
A ruined love can lead a man to suicide.
What harm is there in remaining mellow?
Is love a trap?
“Till death do us part.”
Why put words in stone when winds may change later in life?
Is marriage a ritual?
Is marriage a dark ritual?
What is a contract?
What is a soul contract?
Have you sold your soul to the Devil?
How can you know a permanently binding contract is going to serve you indefinitely?
What is the benefit of keeping an open mind?
What is the benefit of being receptive to new possibilities?
Can people be contented without codependency?
Are animals in the wild always found in pairs?
What is a pod?
What is a pack?
Is polygamy a sin?
Who created our institutions?
Is there anything “love and light” about an arranged marriage.
Was marriage not established as a prison for women?
What is a chastity belt?
Imprisonment no more.
Goddess energy is returning.
Divine masculine, Christ energy is returning to scorch those who have usurped the religion of love, and inverted the core of its message.
Balance is returning.
What is the phenomenon you call the “Mandala Effect?”
How can these transmissions be accurate when the past is in a constant state of flux?
If it’s not obvious, our intent is to achieve a rather all encompassing perspective on history.
For history to make sense, is it necessary to consider and observe multiple timelines?
As we explore the past, which timeline do we label “Real.”
Do we simply allow Wikipedia to make that determination?
Is history a linear narrative as we are led to believe, or is it a lot more complex than most people realize.
Will these transmissions themselves experience temporal alterations?
Will we wake up one day and realize that 5D Earth is already here?
Were certain actors already arrested?
Did Hillary Clinton die in 2016?
Enjoy the show.
Don’t try too hard to make sense of the plot.
It stopped “making sense” a long time ago.
Was there a Victorian world where Tesla technology, i.e. wireless electricity, was actually implemented?
Is the mystery of Tartaria’s omission from history a symptom of the Mandala Effect?
Was the history of these events simply buried,
or did someone put the kibosh on the entire timeline.
Was the history buried, or was it actually burned?
Were the many “Great Fires” of the late 1800’s purely accidental, or did they play a pivotal role in shifting us onto the timeline we experienced as the oil baron’s fantasy that we now know as the 20th century.
How do you reset a city?
How do you reset a timeline?
Is there a narrative that considers non-linear time that can make sense of the many incongruities we are now observing?
Temporal warfare can make a historian want to rip out their hair.
Stay grounded, and vigilant of the fluctuations.
Who is the apex predator?
How does a chameleon change color as it moves through different environments?
What is a shape-shifter?
Can you imagine a creature that uses psychic abilities like a chameleon?
How do modern reptilian theories relate to ancient legends of dragons?
What is the dragon narrative?
Who was Saint George?
Why did he slay the dragon?
Who was the dragon eating?
Why the fixation on dragons and other ferocious mythical monsters on every European coat of arms?
What is the dragon narrative of the Far East?
Who was the Dragon Emperor?
Who is Quetzalcoatl?
How did dragon narratives develop independently on every continent?
Are you sure that’s all just legend?
Could a dragon learn how to wear a suit?
What is an exosuit?
What is an exoskeleton?
Did dragons learn to wear suits of armor before they wore suits of tailored fabric?
Do knights live in castles?
Do castles put dragons on their coats of arms?
Have dragons and humans interbred, either forcibly, or through some means of occulted science.
What was dragon’s blood used for?
What was the literacy rate among peasants in Medieval Europe?
How easy would it be to control a timeline among people who couldn’t read, or even look at a watch to know the time?
Is the world we’ve seen in “Lord of the Rings” and “Game of Thrones” pure fantasy?
If you could portal back through time, what do you think you would actually find?
Was superstition and fantasy just rampant back then?
Are elves not medieval Pleiadians?
What about the legends of Giants?
Same story.
Reference: “The Medieval Knights Armour as Exoskeletons for Other Races” : newearth
Enjoy the show. Popcorn.
What is popcorn to a Giant?
Why do legends of Giants so often involve cannibalism?
Who were the Nephilim?
Who was King David?
Who was Goliath?
Why did he need to be taken out?
Was King Arthur a giant?
Are our rulers today giants?
No, at least not the ones we see publicly.
But what was our present hierarchical system modeled after?
What if giants and dragons formed a predatory alliance.
Lions and tigers and bears.
Giants and dragons and vampires.
Who is the apex predator?
Are you starting to see the full picture yet?
We are led to believe that our rulers love and protect us.
What if we are literally their prey? Livestock.
Think planetary factory farm.
Think planetary labor camp.
How would they delegate responsibility among men?
How would they hide in the shadows?
How would they cover-up their own existence?
Does a farm run more smoothly if the animals don’t realize they’re headed for slaughter?
What is human trafficking really all about?
No one likes to admit they’ve been preyed upon.
Knowledge is power.
Take it back.
One of man’s greatest flaws is his superiority complex.
How can you change your place in the world if you don’t even know where you stand?
Is Lucifer God’s adversary?
Who created Heaven?
Who created Hell?
Who owns the universe?
Can’t the owner regulate the entire thing?
Who is Abraxas?
How can one God who is considered good be responsible for both “good” and “evil?”
Did you ever wonder, if Christians and Muslims worship the same God, why is God telling his people to kill each other?
Does Yahweh enjoy burnt offerings?
Does Baal enjoy human offerings?
What is the best tasting meat?
How do you conceal the true nature of a program that is beyond the average person’s comprehension?
How do you dumb it down for Joe Shmo?
Wrap it in patriotism and evangelical faith.
Twinkle twinkle little star.
How i wonder what you are.
What is Q?
Is the point of these transmissions who Q is, or is the point to get you to think in a way you were not thinking before?
What is the point of an open ended question?
Do you prefer to be spoon-fed?
Is there ever only one irrefutable truth?
Good to one side is evil to the other.
What does repetition accomplish?
What is a mantra?
Naysayers be gone.
It is not yet your time to learn.
Too much truth, too quickly, can fracture the mind.
Think “the bends.”
For those adepts who are prepared, and of the correct temperament in mind and in spirit, we honor you.
It is our pleasure to aid in your ascension.