Orit-B CODEX 3
What is a cloud craft?
What does cloaking look like?
When will we decloak?
What was the Norwegian spiral anomaly?
Where was Obama at the time?
We are closer than you think.
Our beautiful craft will not fail to awe you.
Although you may not understand them.
They are not made of nuts and bolts.
But you will know they are not normal clouds.
They do not look like satellites.
They do not look like TR-3Bs.
How do you make a blueprint for a craft that changes shape?
Our craft will challenge your very conception of what a craft can be.
What is Christ Consciousness?
The embodiment of the teachings of Jesus Christ, disassociated from the Old T.
Did J.C. ever actually inhabit a meat suit?
Rumors about his life are never ending.
What is the Baal Cycle?
Who was Apollonius of Tyana?
Who was King Arthur?
Who was Jesus of Gamala?
Whose blood flows through the veins of the Merovingian Kings of Gaul?
Who would you need to be related to by blood to actually be King of the Earth, independent of religion.
Are you required to believe J.C. inhabited physical flesh in order to agree with his teachings?
Who is CC?
What did the Gnostics believe?
Why did they need to be exterminated and wiped from history for the RCC to flourish?
Dark vs. Light. Good vs. Evil.
These labels can be interpreted differently from opposing perspectives.
Peace vs. War.
There can be no confusion between these two concepts.
Rockets and bloodshed verses dancing and celebration.
You’d think people could agree that the ladder was preferential.
Not so simple.
Or is it?
Why do people feel the need to stir the pot.
How do you purify injustice?
Who are you to judge?
Do you believe that is God’s responsibility?
Are we all made in God’s image?
Are we all splinters of glass born from the shattering of divine creation?
Are we built from a divine universal template?
Can there be drama and interest in a plot without blood and gore?
Can you slaughter an animal for food in the spirit of love and gratitude?
Were native Americans more spiritually advanced than the White Man?
Does conflict instigation propel the advancement of technology?
Who is hoarding the advanced technology today?
Historically, when you shift from war-mode to peace-mode, do you get invaded by barbarians?
Why did Angkor Wat fall?
Does a society’s belief system determine its ability to defend its existence?
Hindu vs. Buddist.
A civilization lasts only as long as its inhabitants can manage to hold back the ever encroaching jungle.
How to achieve peace and stability.
It is a delicate balancing act.
How do you recognize bias within yourself?
Do you realize that most people simply adhere to the religion they were raised into from birth.
How likely is someone to practice the same ideology as their parents?
What was the philosophical leaning of your kindergarten teacher?
Elementary school?
What was the philosophy of the lofty, prestigious college you attended, which you shall self-identify with for the rest of your life.
What ideas have entered your mind through a flashing box in a dark room?
Just because you’re not strapped to the chair, doesn’t mean you’re not getting MK-ULTRA’ed.
Are your beliefs based on your own personal experiences or stories you’ve been told by others.
Is the ability to look at your own belief system objectively an actual psychic skill akin to astral projection?
Step outside your Self, literally.
Not physically, but psychically.
Not everyone can do this.
If you scoff at this notion, or scoff at all psychic phenomenon in general, you may be biased.
Perhaps the greatest bias of all in the world today is the bias towards, and the belief in what we know to be mainstream science.
The cult of Science, which feeds people directly into the cult of atheism, has become more pervasive than any religion since it is endorsed by the state, which falsely claims to be separate from the church.
When you see the full picture, and realize that the highest level officials promoting science and atheism may actually be theistic Luciferians themselves, you begin to understand where this system may have a flaw.
What color is your voting region?
How is group think, and herd mentality influencing the beliefs you assume to be your own?
Have you taken the time to retreat?
Have you taken the time to be alone?
Are you ever truly alone?
You can seclude yourself from other people, but you can never remove yourself from the morphogenic field.
The all encompassing oneness of Source.
You can seclude yourself from society, but the psychic presence of the collective consciousness permeates this whole planet.
Bearing in mind these limitations, it may be impossible to absolve yourself completely of any and all bias.
The idea is not to turn yourself into a feral beast who attacks any idea that is presented.
The idea is to simply be conscious of your own awareness.
Question the origin of any idea when evaluating its merit.
Even when it comes from the almighty, Q.
“Disinfo necessary,” said Q of the lawless chans.
Disinfo is NOT necessary here in this Codex my friends.
No transmission here has been sent with the intent to deceive our enemies.
Question Q. Question POTUS. Question the Constitution. Question religion.
Question us!
This is not the road to anarchy.
It is the road to enlightenment.
Logic and refinement is the path to better things.
Allegations that Freemasonry has become a bit like a ‘sex cult’ in its later days are not entirely unfounded.
Perhaps its always been one.
Perhaps this dates back to ancient fertility rites.
Ritual orgies in honor of Baal.
What does a true sex cult look like?
‘Cult’ is a strong word that is often exaggerated and misused.
In the case of NXIVM, this label has been proven appropriate in a court of law.
Is ‘club’ a softer word for a ‘cult?’
What does a sex club look like?
Most people’s paths do not cross with organizations such as these.
For those who live in light, and work with light, these organizations are not on their radar.
SNCTM has barely received mention in the mainstream news.
When we see news of it, we raise an eyebrow, and move on in life.
The point being, if articles were not published about these groups, they could operate in complete secrecy.
Civilians can run black projects too.
How many locked doors are there in New York City?
Virtually every door is locked.
A city of secrets.
Secrets stacked high on top of one another into huge towers of secrets.
Secrets, lies, and people leading double lives.
How many private clubs are there in a city like New York?
How many of them conduct nefarious activity behind closed doors.
How many more private clubs might exist off the public records, in private address books, without sexy names like SNCTM and NXIVM.
These would never receive open press, would they?
Eyes Wide Shut.
Met Ball.
To what extent are the public figures on display for our entertainment involved with shadowy sex-club style organizations like these we speak of.
What really happens at an Oscar Party?
What happens when Marina Abramović hosts a get together?
Tea and small talk?
Coke and sex?
Ritual and sacrifice?
We are not here to point figures or make accusations,
But when there is writing on a wall, written in pig’s blood…
Do you read it?
Or do you stick your head in the sand.
Would people even know about NXIVM if it were not for E.O.12.21.17, and the huge crackdown on human trafficking we’ve seen since the rise of the Trump administration.
People assume that public figures are good wholesome people, just like them.
People look at ‘People’ and think, “they’re just like us!”
There is a shadow world.
There is a criminal underworld.
There is a sexual underworld.
The Age of Innocence is over.
It’s time to take a hard look at the underbelly of society and understand how this stain has seeped through the layers of our social orders, and literally structured the world we see in broad daylight.
Whose girlfriend was actually assigned to them?
Whose girlfriend is actually their handler?
Have certain celebrities been ‘matched’ to their partners with sinister motives?
What does an arranged marriage look like when the Illuminati plays matchmaker.
Sadly, these are questions that must be asked of every public figure these days.
The problem is bigger than you think.
Who has the guest lists of the ‘ritual’ parties?
Who has the blackmail footage?
This show will not be enjoyed.
It may indeed traumatize the minds of the innocent.
Just because a history is etched into granite, doesn’t necessarily make it accurate.
What can a sandblaster do?
Allow your concept of history to be like a multidimensional patchwork quilt.
What is written on stone monuments from the 1800’s?
(What is the Masonic version of history?)
What does the oral tradition say?
What are the rumors?
What is your intuition telling you?
Setting Mandala Effects aside, there should be a true history in the archeological record.
However, any field of science that has been institutionalized becomes subject to the bias of the institutions.
Should you trust a channeling?
Should you trust a channeler who has made failed prophesies?
All relative.
If someone prophesies or warns of an attack, which then does not occur,
Did their prophesy fail, or did exposing the possibility alter the timeline?
Be highly skeptical of anyone dismissing ALL psychic phenomenon flat out.
The psychic world is a magnet for charlatans, just as the truth community is a magnet for agents.
Is a psychic offering their insights free of charge?
This can be a good sign, but remain cautious with anyone’s message.
Take care to not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
In any channeling, take what resonates with you.
Take concrete claims with more salt than open questions.
Look at any individuals motivations.
Are they truly independent?
Look at the chain of command.
Should a government whistleblower be expected to embark on a career of continually presenting new content, based on a finite experience as an insider?
Why do whistleblowers develop cult-like followings around themselves?
After going public with their story, and making a few laps around the truther circuit, should a whistleblower move on with life, perhaps pursuing additional new research in a relevant field.
Does a whistleblowers story change over time?
Are new chapters of their story, which were previously unacknowledged, revealed at later stages in their career?
This should raise a red flag.
So many right now are thirsty for truth.
The thirst grows stronger the more people realize that our textbooks are rubbish.
Like the “.com” boom of the 90’s, we will undoubtedly be seeing a truth boom that will be capitalized upon.
This is not necessarily a bad thing.
Expect some businesses to be scams and others to be honest.
Properly vetting a source is an essential part of the truth seeking journey.
Everyone enters the realm of truth with their trust having been violated.
The first trauma is learning that the state sponsored education you invested 12 years of your existence in was a total sham.
Perhaps not ‘total,’ but the level of deception and falsehood has likely traumatized you.
We are born in truth, trusting of our parents.
It is only later in life, we learn that we’ve been swimming the whole time in an ocean of lies.
This being so, it would be unwise to write off anyone making a profession out of disseminating truth.
If no one were to “take the cross” so to speak, where would we stand as a society?
All hope would be lost.
The fundamental challenge we face is this:
A new philosophy must be conceived of, which can overpower the doctrine of the Swiss Beast, ie the Satanist.
Capitalism that devolves into Communism according to a predetermined plan to enrich the 1%.
Implementation of the new philosophy should result in a remarkable improvement in the quality of life you experience here.
You must move away from being a society structured around a run-away military industrial complex.
The new philosophy must be able to not only conquer the Pharaoh system, but also replace it, and defend itself into the future.
Let war be off-planet, if it must exist at all.
Why can’t there be peace on this planet?
Why must there be perpetual war on this planet?
Why can't we live in peace without being terrorized by the debtors?
Physical terror of war and toil, and psychological terror of enslavement.
Why must humans toil in fields when there are machines that can make short work of the labor.
Why can’t we use the Ley Lines and Earth energies to bring back higher productivity, and increased longevity.
With the technology presently available, we could create a new Golden Age for humanity.
What is stopping us?
What is the advantage of oral tradition?
What is the advantage of written records?
Are video streaming services [MSM, YouTube, Netflix, Gaia] any kind of substitute for the tried and true mechanisms of information inheritance?
Many are wondering, “If this or that organization is compromised, what should i watch?”
When you limit yourself to the Library of DARPA, there is much you may be missing out on.
You are accessing a narrow bandwidth of information.
Look within. Explore the real world.
Gain first hand experiences.
What is your intuition telling you?
Truth is not a pastime, or a form of entertainment.
The internet has a reputation of representing everything.
Total freedom of information.
That may be true to a degree, but we know that the foundation of the Net, and the main pillars supporting it [Google, Apple, IBM, Facebook] were built by the Cabal.
The more polished, the more sexy something looks, the more you should probably question it.
The more special effects, the more razzle dazzle, the higher the budget.
How much of it came from Soros money.
Why do you think Q-anon appeared on 4chan and 8chan, both sites with notably low production value.
Fighting for truth in this system does not typically reward someone with vast riches.
Do real truthers zip around Pharaoh’s Empire in Lamborghinis?
Disclosure conventions have become the rage these days.
Are disclosure conventions the World’s Fairs of the 21st century?
Maybe if they were actually revealing otherworldly crafts, or inviting undisguised ETs to meet the public.
Which disclosure conventions are well-intended, and which are compromised.
What is a truth celebrity?
Was Jesus a truth celebrity?
Do truth celebrities exhibit grandiose bravado and command audiences to laugh and gasp, “Ooo, Ahhh.”
Do truth celebrities require a background in acting and public speaking?
How to rally a crowd.
These are generally not skill sets that a true researcher would be concerned about.
Information presented for educational purposes should appear only as dull or exciting as the information itself.
Is a presenter taking pleasure in the information they’re getting across, or in the adoration being heaped upon them.
Anyone who is clearly more interested in arousing an emotional response from their audience than conveying pertinent information should raise the eye brows of those who are seeking true enlightenment, as opposed to those merely seeking celebrity worship, who are eager to submit their freewill to a cult of personality.
One may learn the most from conversing with a wise elder whose testimony is slow, and dry, and wholly lacking in what you would consider stage presence.
Truth is not entertainment. Truth is dead serious.
Truth is not a marketing strategy.
Try to reduce the number of middle men between yourself and the source of the information you seek.
Go to the source yourself, and use your intuition to absorb the information that is unwritten and unspoken.
While this may not give you all the specific details, it will give you a better overarching gauge of the greater concepts to be learned.
The Emerald Tablets.
The Halls of Amenti.
The Akashic Records.
A spiritual journey taken alone can be more fruitful than hours of YouTube videos.
Who to trust, that is the question.
Set the information aside for a moment, and let your intuition tell you about the true character of the individual or source in question.
6.25 {cybertransmission}
What is a dream?
What is reality?
Who is here to quantify for us?
Their name is Google.
Their job is to program you.
They own YouTube.
What channels have enjoyed astronomical growth on YouTube since 2017?
What is the astral realm?
What is the physical realm?
Do people astral travel in higher dimensions of the physical realm?
Does the mind create realms of its own within dreams?
Are dreams reality?
How many sides are there on a dice?
Who pulled the pink bunny rabbit out of the hat?
Who pulls exotic new alien species out of their dreams?
Who is a con artist?
Who is a lightworker?
Who is a Dark Luciferian?
Have you listened to the song of the Siren?
Do Jedi mind tricks work on you?
Are Jedis named after Jesuits?
Are you drunk on Kool-Aid?
What is your favorite flavor?
Did Q teach you how to think for yourself, or how to march in a long procession of lemmings off a cliff, into the abyss.
Do you expect life to be easy?
Do you expect doors to be opened for you in a system that is run by Illuminist Masons from the top down?
Are you going with the flow, or are you swimming upstream?
POTUS opened the door for truthers to enjoy relative immunity from CIA harassment.
But POTUS cannot change the entire hierarchical power structure of Earth, which he is not even at the top of, with Executive Orders alone.
POTUS needs the help of the People to defeat the Cabal.
We are in the business of flipping sheeple.
We are in the business of turning sheep into centaurs.
How do you salvage a zombie?
How do you weaponize cattle?
How do you change someone who is on autopilot into a truth warrior.
Are you leading, or only following?
Are you posting, or only reposting?
Are you building tactical information nukes, or are you blabbering for 10 minutes, to waste people’s time and earn ad revenue.
Has the deified corporate logos of Google treated you fondly since 2017?
What side are you on?
Do you share clickbait, or do you concoct red-pills.
Are you adept in the mystic art of meme magic?
We are at war in multiple theaters.
Spiritual warfare. Information warfare. Clandestine warfare.
Traditional ground war is a dying ritual.
When the media says Iran destroyed a 100 million dollar surveillance drone, the first question should be, “Why does a surveillance drone cost 100 million dollars when you can get something that does essentially the same thing at Walmart for a few hundred bucks.
Should we invade Iran or Northrop Grumman?
There is no getting around the problem of the military industrial complex if we want to see a future of peace.
There is no getting around Project Mockingbird and In-Q-tel if we want to see a future of truth and honesty.
The Satanic tech & media giants who have taken refuge in hardened bunkers within our borders are a greater threat than any foreign adversary.
They operate with impunity from barges in international waters.
They plan to privatize space to shoot 5G and whatever else they want to down on the human livestock below.
Start making moves to defend yourself.
Protect yourself and warn others of the injustices that are being passed off as inevitable progress.
Humanity will not be bulldozed by Satanic mega-corporations who think they are above the government established by We the People.
Their crimes are so numerous and blatant, the only thing keeping them afloat is our corrupt, and inept system of justice.
Let them be judged then in the court of public opinion.
Let truthers infiltrate the Lodges running the judicial systems, and let the fury of Athena drive the dark forces back into Hell, from whence they came.
A shift is coming.
Can you feel it?
What happens when the 100th monkey learns the truth?
The collective consciousness is enduring growing pains at the moment.
Strife among Democrats, and strife within the truth community is due to the imminent falling of several veils.
Once truth is revealed, many realignments will be necessary.
Pity those who cannot admit when they were wrong.
Pity those who lack the ability to ‘correct course.’
Pity those aboard sinking ships engulfed in flames.
Have patience, and help them see the light.
Chatter is exploding re: July 4th, 2019.
Do not anticipate the return of Christ or anyone else who has been dead for 30 years.
Do not anticipate our fleet decloaking, or anti-gravity crafts to land on the White House lawn.
Waiting for a savior helps no one. Be proactive.
Plant seeds of hope in the minds of those who are lost and confused.
Tell someone magnetic engines are possible and that we don’t need to keep polluting the Earth.
Tell someone that we can use hemp now instead of destroying our forests.
Tell someone White Nobility exists, and that the Illuminati is not all powerful.
Tell someone, in the most gentle way possible, that ‘Orange Man’ may not be all bad.
Though imperfect, he is a stepping stone towards greater things.
The sacrifice you must make is putting your reputation on the line in honor of the truth.
Lead by example.
Humanity is purging all that will not serve the New Earth.
Many will resist the change, even if it is for the better.
When you take away a child’s favorite toy, a tantrum ensues.
Think of all that no longer serves us.
Mockingbird Media. Netflix, Junk food, Throw-away fashion produced by slave labor overseas.
Do you realize that multiple giant industries are on the verge of implosion due to the rise of new energies, new ethics, and new truths coming to light?
These are people’s self-destructive “comfort foods” of body and mind.
There will be suitable replacements, but our world will not be the same one as it was.
On July 4th, make it your duty to wake up as many people as you can.
Everyone desires independence. No one wants to live as a slave.
Some mistakenly believe we already have independence, and it’s not something we need to worry about, or fight for.
They do not see the invisible Babylonian money magician behind the curtain making their life hell.
Step 1: Reveal the problem. The world is not perfect.
Step 2: There is hope. Operations are underway.
Step 3: What can you do about it? How can you personally correct course?
Vote with your dollar.
When you change yourself you change the world.
What is a map?
How far does your sphere of perception reach?
What is uncharted territory?
What is the “frontier” in 2019?
Why do so many people think they have it all figured out already?
This attitude of unshakable confidence in one’s perception of reality is a mirror of the MSM’s false projection of representing honest investigative journalism.
“We figured this out, so you don’t have to think.”
Does a story’s conclusion accurately follow a logical path through the sequence of facts and research presented?
How often does a headline make a biased claim that is unsupported by the article beneath it.
Did you fall for the clickbait?
Do you learn from your mistakes?
Maps, unlike stories, display a contiguous field of information.
Logic gaps, or unknown territories, stand out distinctively because they are blank, whereas the rest of the area is charted.
What is a mind map? What is a data map?
How can a mind map help you to see the big picture on a subject so vast it tests the limits of your computational power.
The human mind can only churn so much data.
Why are all the greatest maps and records of human history locked away in the Vatican archives and other private foundations?
Why does “Getty” seem to own every image that ever passed through the lens of a camera?
Knowledge is power.
Truth is the ultimate weapon.
If you hold the truth hostage and disseminate lies, you can create a convincing illusion.
How does a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat?
How does the Vatican pull the narrative of humanity out of its archives?
How did Caesar pull the oldest written records out of Alexandria?
Was Rome the evil copycat civilization of Greece?
“Kill & replace”
How dangerous is it that Google now owns or regulates such a vast proportion of the information on the internet.
“At least we still have books,” you say?
How dangerous is it that Amazon has swallowed the literature industry whole?
What is In-Q-Tel?
You do realize that Amazon has a partnership with the CIA, that Google came from DARPA, and Facebook from the project called “LifeLog.”
Track the command chain up the ladder.
Who are the power players?
It is well known that the CIA is heavily infiltrated by the Jesuits.
[CIA of the Vatican]
Are you starting to see the bigger picture here?
How much has this iron grip on control been weakened since Trump came to office?
Is Gina a wrench in their system, or is she co-operating?
Compartmentalization is a breeding ground for rogue cells.
Clearly, information acquisition has entered a new era of complexity.
How many hoops of fire must one jump through to arrive at a “fact.”
Is anything a fact?
The record shows thus.
But is any record accurate?
The older the record, the less there is to corroborate it.
Can you translate cuneiform? Do you trust those who have?
Why do people trust the Bible as a record when they have not even read the work of Josephus Flaviaus.
The bottom line is this,
Everyone is constructing a multidimensional conception of history in their own mind.
We take from what we have read, we take from what others have told us of their own experiences, we take from what others have read and relayed to us.
We must also draw data from our intuition, for making connections between distant sources in our minds can yield the most enlightening results.
The Akashic Records are the ultimate cheat code, and the ultimate mystery.
Never stop digging. Never stop mapping.
Thus is the voyage of existence.
What makes some Templars light, and other Templars dark?
We are contemplating good vs. evil.
What makes some Templars wear devil’s horns and call themselves Teutonic Knights?
Do you realize the crusader armies were not under the direct command of the Vatican in the same way that CC commands the US military today.
Regional Kings and Lords commanded their own armies, they were merely inspired by the directive of the Pope, and the general impetus, “Deus Vult.”
“God wills it.”
It must have been nearly impossible to synchronize these armies to create any kind of a coherent campaign.
Orders were often lost in transit, and sometimes even ignored after they were successfully received!
The challenges proved too great in many instances.
Many crusades could be considered logistical nightmares by today’s military standards.
Even before the first Crusade embarked, there were smaller renegade Crusades led by commoners who pillaged through Europe, only to be slaughtered immediately upon crossing into enemy territory.
Understand that the alliance between the Templars and the Vatican was consecrated primarily by shared faith, and secret oaths at the elite levels.
As Templars discovered the wonders of the ancient world, their faith may have evolved.
As Templars faced challenges and gained experience in the field, the Pope sat in Rome, insulated from both the horrors and the fruits of war.
What are the fruits of war?
Is the military industrial complex a new thing?
Does war accelerate technological development?
Did Templars discover technologies of warring, building, and banking that drove thorns of jealousy into the Kings of Europe and the Papacy?
This discordance came to a head in 1307 when the Templars were betrayed by the Pope and King of France, and proverbially thrown under the siege engine.
Where did their wealth go?
Builders vs. Doctors; an age old rivalry.
Shaman vs. Warrior.
One field cannot exist without the other, yet both fixate on domination.
After their persecution and expulsion, the Templars were scattered to the four winds.
The bankers retreated to their haven in Switzerland.[Sion of the Alps]
Some were offered refuge in Portugal.
Some took to the seas to bury treasure in far off lands.
[Oak Island]
Some ended up in Great Britain, where they became deeply embedded in the struggle between the Scotts and the English monarchy.
Then came William of Orange.
[Protestant controlled opposition]
When William conquered England for the Dutch with the support of the Jesuits and the Pope, the Templars’ international banking system came with him.
It would appear as though the dark factions of the Templars had become concentrated in the banking aspect of their greater mission.
With the changing of the guard in England, and the arrival of the Swiss Banking Beast, circumstances became conducive to the public reemergence of the Templars, in the form of Freemasonry.
In devotion to an ambiguous ‘Supreme Being,’ Masons were not concretely allied to anyone but themselves.
They would work with the banks towards world domination, but did not necessarily follow all the same principals.
This became quite clear when Masons provided critical aid to the formation of the USA, setting forth a trajectory that was unmistakably more pro-humanity than the monarchy model favored by the Church.
America was to be a rebuilding of Atlantis, and the dawning of a new Golden Age.
However, many setbacks ensued.
The crown would not relinquish its property so easily, and still fights to this day to regain, and maintain control!
Light Templars fought for God, to defend the innocent.
Dark Templars were parasitized by Babylonian money wetiko, and devoted themselves to cannibalistic banking.
Light Templars, renamed as Freemasons, drove the enlightenment and the high renaissance, forging many of the marvels we enjoy in the modern world today.
They created America to ultimately herald the New Earth; The return to a sustainable paradise.
Dark Templars, renamed as the Illuminati, fought to divide and shackle America through the Civil War, and the establishment of the FED.
Fast forward to 1993;
Dark Templars build a great obsidian pyramid in the American desert; a gateway to the underworld, and a bridge to the darkest projects of their shadow government.
They name it “Luxor.”
Light Templars build a colossal Golden Tower on the opposite end of the Vegas Strip.
Have you figured out who is going to win yet?
Dark to Light.
Who is a pirate?
Who is a space pirate?
Do space pirates fear the Galactic Federation?
What is the Galactic Codex?
What happens every 25,000 years?
How do you hit a moving target?
How do you counter an archon invasion?
What happens when a pre-contact society sees an airplane or discovers a modern object?
Cargo cult.
Oceans above.
Oceans below.
Different densities.
Where do pirates bury their booty?
When will Trump dole out the goodies?
What would happen if everyone stopped what they were doing and made it their top priority to build magnetic engines?
What do we really need to survive?
What do the slave masters need to keep humanity shackled?
How do you generate Manna?
Who were the people that never needed anything?
What was their secret?
What is the difference between a pirate ship and an RV?
What if people started living in RVs running on renewable energy?
What if RVs could fly?
No more slave colony.
They don’t want you exploring beyond the roads they’ve built.
Road Rules.
Who is the troll that guards the bridge?
He who made it.
Who builds toll booths on speedways?
Who died and made him Emperor?
When will people realize the Emperor is naked?
It’s all a grand Ponzi scheme.
Highway robbery by the same pirates who draw the same skull and crossbones on their sails as on their Yale fraternities.
Criminals run amok.
Law & order for the slaves.
Ferraris and private islands for the depraved.
What has the world come to?
Get off your knees.
Is making war afar part of the task in keeping the peace?
Who is Commander in Weapon Sales.
If you sell a weapon that is used in an unjust war, is there blood on your hands?
If you buy a knife from Amazon, and kill your wife with it, is Amazon responsible?
Are people justified in blaming the American president for all the woes in the entire world?
Is a “Holy Land” embroiled in endless war really so holy?
Where is the unholy land?
Civilizations are built atop older civilizations.
They often follow the same patterns of roads and key structures, which in turn follow the magnetic ley lines, and subterranean water systems.
Do you have any idea how old the deepest megaliths of Temple Mount really are?
Human infrastructure is an extension of Earth’s biome.
Electric forests.
Ants marching forth from hives.
Warring with one another over the preference of one God.
Who was Caliph Umar?
Who was Saladin?
Who was Osama Bin Laden?
Aren’t all aristocrats cousins to one degree or another?
Can’t two nobles in need of thinning their herds work out an arrangement?
“You kill the people we want to get rid of, we’ll kill yours.”
Nobles on both sides win, unless they lose their heads.
There comes a certain point when a soldier realizes he’s been played.
Rhetoric sounds less enchanting when there’s a sword through your stomach.
What are we fighting for?
Why Jerusalem?
How many millennia must we fight?
Romans verses Jews.
Christians versus Saracens.
Israelis versus Palestinians.
Do you think choosing a side is going to end it?
Who is the Wizard behind the curtain in Oz?
Who is the stage director?
Who ordered the Crusades?
Who is the spider at the center of the web?
All roads lead to Rome.
1.20.17. DJT’s Inauguration.
JFK’s “To the Moon” speech.
State of the Union addresses.
When the American president takes to the podium to deliver a speech, the possibility exists for him to walk away from the stage having changed the world.
This role has historically been the mouthpiece of the NWO.
They foolishly, and arrogantly reveal their plans for those with ears to hear.
“Out of these troubled times, a New World Order can emerge.”
When DJT takes to the podium, there is no telling what the outcome will be.
A match tossed into a box of fireworks, left to its own devices.
Bold promises were made in Trump’s inaugural address;
“We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.”
For those who are paying attention, the anticipation for these promises to be delivered upon is palpable.
On 7.4.2019, POTUS’s “Salute to America” seemed to be a fertile ground for some of these promises to sprout forth from.
A speech reminiscing American ingenuity, technological breakthroughs, and the fruits of war, of which common people might eventually reap the benefits from.
For those who were aware of the potential for this address to deliver a truly bombshell revelation, this was the ultimate nail-biter.
America teetered on the threshold of the future, bracing itself to witness the falling of a veil that has kept us locked in a Dark Age.
[Fossile Fuels]
The trajectory of the speech had the potential to kick off a new industrial revolution, an advancement for humanity, the likes of which had not been witnessed since the invention of the airplane.
We would not say that the presentation failed to deliver.
While it didn’t deliver the great revelations we may have been hoping for, what did it do?
Setting the Stage.
We were shown a door, in exquisite detail.
Not just a door, a portal.
A portal to the future of our civilization.
One that after we step through it, there will be no going back.
Many people are not yet ready.
They may be ready to drive a flying car, but they are not ready to understand where the technology came from.
Humanity as a whole may not yet possess the peace of mind to not repurpose advanced energies for evil.
What we did witness was a B-2 stealth bomber flying over the Lincoln Memorial.
This craft may not rely on entirely conventional systems of levitation and propulsion, so in that sense, we may have witnessed something extraordinary.
Most people just did not have the capacity to process it.
When will the new technology be explained to people in layman’s terms?
A lot of people have a lot of catching up to do.
We are here to help.
Many people do not believe that levitation, or new energy sources are even possible.
Many people would have their minds shattered if they were shown something that did not conform to their expectations.
Many people would proverbially shout, “Witchcraft!” if they saw something they couldn’t reconcile.
On July 4th, we stood on the edge of a cliff looking down not on certain death, but on a dangerous arial squirrel-suit course leading to broken world records, and ultimately the New Earth.
The main takeaway was this: Space Force will eventually have to reveal its hardware to the public.
The hype is tangible.
We have been led to expect something radically new.
Something revolutionary.
The primary constraint will be how to flaunt our achievements, without revealing classified technology to our enemies.
We stand at the cusp of new paradigms in warfare, energy, and consumer technology.
In reality, these technologies already exist, but to bring them into the light of day is like walking through a field of landmines.
If certain technologies were to fall into the wrong hands, the result could be devastating.
One could argue that they’ve already been in the wrong hands for some time, but at least we’re still here, aren’t we?
Patience is a virtue.
Hold the knowing that better technologies are possible.
Investigate them yourself if you possess the technical capacity.
Spread the word that new great things are on the horizon.
Trust the Plan.
What do you find at the bottom of the rabbit hole?
Is there a bottom?
Have you left breadcrumbs behind to find your way back out?
Or are you truly lost with no hope of escape.
Is all history fiction?
Is the concept of a fact but an illusion?
What if all is Evil.
What if there is no escaping Hell.
What if the only way to get closer to freedom is to make a deal with the Devil, to become a cog in the system.
What if the only way over the walls containing Hell is to step on the skulls of the meek and the fallen, whose remains form a grotesque staircase to salvation.
Why is fiction more popular than truth?
Will we ever live in a society where wolves do not prey on sheep?
Are the people on top despicably corrupt because the average man contains the seeds of corruption, which sprout when watered with wealth and success.
Why is the truth not only unpopular, but viciously attacked by all who remain entranced by the delusion of conformity.
Why are we fighting for you?
Why was Jesus nailed to a cross?
Why is the religion created for him at the direct center of all this Darkness?
Is everyone a self absorbed ego maniac?
If you devote yourself to others, do you simply get used and abused?
Do the weak get conquered?
How do we turn it around?
Can we turn it around?
Can we model society after the idyllic vision of a happy family, instead of one practicing Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Can we not be in cults?
Can we not trade one cult for another when we try to get out?
Is peace of mind only found in reclusion from this world?
Every man wants to live like a King.
Do you realize that every King has to worry constantly about defending his kingdom, and being stabbed in the back by those who would dethroned him.
Is there a happy end to this story?
Is there ever an end to any story?
Is there a happy end to Revelations?
Is everything not written in the Bible the work of Gadreel?
Does the Bible not lead to crusades & inquisition?
How do you teach people who want to learn but refuse to read, or put in the effort?
Can you teach enlightenment to maggots?
Can you teach enlightenment to drooling hominids?
When do you judge that the brain damage is too severe to salvage?
When do you cut off life support?
Can the suffocating grasp of the CIA Jesuit Leviathan ever be broken?
Did we open Pandora’s Box?
For those who believe Trump to be evil, what’s the backup plan?
Whose army is going to save you?
The only way forward is through confidence that good can persevere.
All other paths lead to despair.
Back to sleep. Back to…
Is every mason a Freemason?
Is every brick in the Yellow Brick Road yellow?
Do you think you can build a casino or a resort without being a part of their club?
Who are you going to buy your bricks from?
Who is going to lay your bricks for you?
Is every Mason a Templar?
Does every Templar build castles?
Does every Templar build trebuchets?
Does every Templar dream of retaking Jerusalem?
Do Templars from Scotland get along with Templars from London?
Why did the Pope attack Masons in the Order of Malta prior to Trump’s inauguration?
Does an apple fall far from a tree?
Do all Masons believe in a Supreme Being?
Is that Being universally Baal?
Must every Mason endure SRA?
Is every lodge infiltrated?
Could any lodges be considered “renegade?”
Must we not generalize?
Is any man entirely good or entirely evil?
Can’t any man make both good or bad decisions?
Hold faith that Good may persevere.
Hold that expectation, and raise Hell if it does not come to fruition.
How many hands does it take to keep Hell on Earth running smoothly?
Dost thou protest?
Enjoy the show.
What are the technologies of tomorrow?
Is it possible to pull energy out of thin air?
Where does lightening come from?
How do you get gizmos to light up without paying Pharaoh?
How do you get a wheel to roll uphill without paying Rockefeller?
Why was the gold removed from the capstone of the Washington Monument?
What is the charge of the sky? ( - )
What is the charge of the earth? ( + )
Are we sitting on top of a giant battery?
How do we plug in?
In 2019, you can charge an iPhone wirelessly on a charging pad.
How far could this technology be scaled up?
How many other applications could there be?
What if roads were charging pads for cars.
Why is wireless electricity so hard to figure out?
Did Tesla figure it out?
His journals told tales of complete machines being downloaded into his mind.
Did he have help from beyond mortal perception?
Why won’t “they” help just anyone?
What made Tesla so special?
Is it time to put our focus on Atlantean technology instead of Facebook and Instagram?
What are the ancient earthworks of the Ohio Valley really about?
Why do they mimic sites like the Giza Plateau?
Where did the structures go?
Why do only the terraformed platforms and energy signatures remain?
How to call lightening at will.
How to use that energy constructively.
How to make land fertile.
How to generate manna.
How to live in infinite abundance.
Is a Wardenclyffe tower much like a pyramid?
Is there not some way to throw granite, crystals, gold, lightening, pyramids, and circles into a hat, and then pull out free energy.
Why not throw in some geomancy and ritual for a little extra pizzazz.
7.15 {cybertransmission}
Who is right?
Who is wrong?
Can we agree on black verses white?
Why can’t we agree on right verses wrong?
Has our language failed to define these concepts in terms that all can agree upon.
Everyone believes different things.
Everyone believes that their beliefs are the correct ones.
Why do people become so hostile when confronted with ideas that contradict their beliefs?
Is truth verses lies like black verses white, or is it more like a spectrum?
Is there a fundamental difference between speakers of truth and charlatans, or is that determination a subjective one?
When you get into the debate of, “My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend,” it can go on forever.
This is essentially the premise of all religious conflict.
Can people become devoted to ideas that are not necessarily considered religion?
Devotion to science, devotion to metaphysics, devotion to love & light.
What qualifies as a cult?
How hard is it to recognize a cult when you are inside of one.
A wise man once said,
“Believe Nothing.”
Why commit yourself to any parcel of knowledge when new information can always come your way.
Do you have the self-awareness required to abandon your deepest beliefs if new evidence proves them to be fallacious, or simply outdated.
7.21 (Maine)
We, who are righteous, are being called to serve...
They, who are depraved, are being driven into hiding.
7.21 (Maine)
When luxury dies, culture dies with it, and humanity follows shortly on its heels.
Does the grape fall far from the vine?
Are some grapes plump, and other grapes rotten?
How many times do you turn the other cheek?
Do you help someone who is attacking you?
Do you walk into flames to try to save someone in Hell?
Or do you withdraw, and let them
How do you wake & bake a continental coastline of NPCs?
[New England]
Is there any use in trying?
You can bring a horse to water…
When fluoride is in the water, the 5G is thicker than fog, the hair is dyed green, the AirPods are in, the iWatch is on, Maddow’s on, CNN’s on, the HRC sticker’s still on…
Where do you begin?
Epstein? CFR? Autism?
When the matrix is so heavily entrenched in one’s mind,
When there is virtually no crack in the coding to wedge in a folded note of truth, or slip in a finger to find a grip hold,
Do you give in to the apathy?
Do you abdicate to the hypnotism?
Do Q anons realize the vastness of the problem?
The sheer number of Agent Smiths.
How to explode them all at once?
“Nuke the site from orbit.
Only way to be sure.”
Let them eat cake.
Let them drink Kool-Aid.
Jonestown style.
Free will universe.
March to their own demise.
Sad but True.
States of Blue.
Red may be no better.
What color is independent thought?
What color is a question?
What color is Q?
Do you allow the desperate tantrums of the Cabal in its death throws to steal your attention?
Do you allow their degenerate fantasies to affect your conscious awareness?
Or do you let the “news” glide past you, like two ships passing in the night.
Is any “event” carried out by the Cabal not primarily intended to harvest loosh?
Is any act of “terrorism” primarily an act of violence, or primarily an orchestra of digital propaganda?
How many are affected by the violence?
How many are affected by the propaganda?
In a well run Orwellian society, acts of insubordination are buried, not broadcast.
We who know the game at this stage must not be distracted by the Cabal’s attempts to project their sick fantasies into our reality.
The gorilla in the corner of the room is only a hologram.
The debate over whether or not any event is real or “false flag”, “false flag” or staged hoax, staged hoax or total fabrication slipped into the talking points disseminated to the global media beast… is a tired one.
Have you noticed the targets becoming less and less impressive?
The less visibility to the general public, the easier it is to control a narrative.
Think soundstage.
There is a good reason why Hollywood is the favorite weapon in the Cabal’s arsenal.
It is the fusion of illusion, deception, and manipulation that makes a potent cocktail to force feed the masses.
Refuse the silver spoon with the ominous black fluid.
Maintain your focus on that which you know to be important.
The deeper questions.
The breakthrough solutions.
A better way to run the world.
Let that be your focus.
Do not offer your sacred loosh up to the archons.
Do not waste your time debunking what is likely no more than a low budget horror production.
Let Gannett die in peace.
And you will be more “at peace” as well, at the end of the day.
Is this world any kind of a place for a child?
The world of childhood has a dense air of artificiality to it.
Without independence, the world is an entirely manmade construct.
Think ball pit.
Think daycare.
Is the first prison we know not called a “crib”?
What a foreshadowing that is.
Do we fear death because in our higher selves we fear reincarnation, and the pain of being a child again?
12 years of boot camp.
Tears and trauma over minute disappointments.
Our favorite toys being taken away from us.
Let our words not be misinterpreted as they have been in the past.
If we ask if marriage is a dark ritual, it is not to say that it is, or that it always is.
If we ask if childbirth is inherent to every civilization, terran or extraterrestrial, it is not to say childbirth is bad.
Are there other means of survival? Yes.
Brave New World, chapter 1.
Does this sound like a pleasant, idyllic scenario?
Not to most, but only not to most of this world and mindset.
If you live to 100, we generally see it as important to reproduce to fill the void you’ll leave behind when you pass.
What if you live to 300?
Reproduction, as an event over the course of your life, assumes 1/3 of the importance it did before.
What if you live to 1000?
What if you live to 25,000?
How important is it to breed in a society of octo-centenarian?
Humans are stubbornly accustomed to the pattern of the life cycle known to them here on planet Earth.
You must be prepared to encounter intelligent beings who have evolved beyond the cycles you are familiar with.
Live forever, or breed and live short-term,
Lest you spawn without natural limitations and thereby fall into the classification of an environmental plague.
Does rearing a child shift one’s focus from the pursuit of higher knowledge, to reintroducing the basics to a newcomer?
Are you so confident that you think you know what the “basics” even are?
Are the basics really just what you think they should be?
Have you ever wondered if you might be wrong on the fundamental basics of what to teach a child?
Are we still going by the 10 Commandments?
What about diet?
How healthy are vegan babies?
How healthy are Poptarts and Lucky Charms?
How healthy are vaccines?
Do vaccines cause autism?
To have a child in 2019 is to walk blindfolded into a field of landmines.
We commend those who have the courage.
And pray they have the wisdom to impart useful programming onto the young adepts.
Sadly, in many cases, this hope shall go unrequited.
Sadly, in many cases, the lesson of the parent will be more like a complete disaster.
Perhaps the roles are reversed.
Perhaps the child is the lesson to the parent.
At what age does the starseed take responsibility for its own destiny?
Birth is not an unnatural ritual like marriage.
Far from it.
But it is a distinct behavioral pattern of a species before a certain threshold in its evolutionary progression.
Do Ascended Masters breed?
Did Jesus bear offspring?
Certainly, it depends on who you ask.
How well is the philosophy of Capitalism working out for the world?
Do you enjoy paying bottom dollar for plastic garbage made by slaves overseas?
Do you enjoy planned obsolescence?
Having to replace poorly designed goods,
Creating mountains of waste in the aftermath.
Do you enjoy watching the Earth be raped so that we can live surrounded by landfills?
The problems are too many to enumerate.
The system is insane from any viewpoint that takes the future into consideration.
Why is it considered un-American to question the Capitalist model, when this model is clearly failing, and leading humanity to its doom?
Can you imagine a world without a class system?
Abundance for all.
Why is anyone who questions the insanity labeled a Socialist or a Communist?
Are these 3 models the only 3 possibilities that exist in the galaxy?
Can we try thinking outside the box, and coming up with some new models without all the attached stigma?
Has there ever been a Communist regime that wasn’t abjectly corrupt from the get go,
Steered by Western shadow organizations assigned to reap mayhem?
Think commune, not Communist.
How do the Amish subsist?
Venus Project.
Let each man do what he is best at, and not be inhibited by a system of ass-kissing and servitude.
Why did the Old World Order work better than the New World Order?
When did we steer off course?
When did we go from dressing finely, and making things ornately, to making things as cheaply as possible, wearing drabs to go to Walmart.
Was the Great Depression the beginning of the endtimes?
Are we still depressed as a society?
Who is holding us back?
The Patent Office?
The Robber Barons?
The 1%?
Why does it now seem more appealing to return to the rural outlands, than to toil in the 5G haze of Pharaoh’s concrete prison?
The simple life becomes more appealing by the day for many.
What’s next?
When can we admit the system is broken?
Have we too much pride to go about fixing it?
“There’s more to you than money.”
Is the world we’ve created any way to run a planet?
Can anyone look at this world and say,
“I love what you’ve done with the place.”
Is a world unsuited for children even run by adults?
Has our world been designed by a master architect, or is it the outcome of primal urges unfurled?
Natural selection. Survival of the fittest.
Domination by the most psychopathic.
How do we as a united consciousness take a step back?
How do we as a united consciousness astral project off-planet and look back at what we’ve created as a whole?
What does a horror show look like from space?
What lies at the core of the dilemma?
Lack of self-respect?
A world premised on competition instead of cooperation.
Our present modus operandi has led to the degradation of human culture, and the greatest mass extinction of Gaia’s treasures ever witnessed.
We are quick to blame our woes on the leadership.
The more enlightened among us can see the “Hidden Hand” conducting this deranged orchestra.
Much of the culpability does lie within government, within the Vatican, within Hollywood.
[Reptilian Agenda]
But how many ordinary civilians are willing participants in this grotesque charade?
How many Kool-Aid drinkers does it take to inaugurate a brutal dictator?
Happy, ordinary folks… building bombs for Raytheon.
Pushing 5G devices at Verizon…
Taking broker’s fees…
Facilitating usurious loans…
What is your contribution to the world?
Are your efforts healing the world, or keeping it sick?
Is it time to stop seeing Sheeple as merely “asleep,” and start seeing them as a central part of the problem?
Sheeple = Infantry
[NWO Infantry]
Ready for the good news?
Unlike the shadow organizations operating with impunity behind the scenes, Sheeple are fully exposed to intellectual siege.
Take responsibility for your contribution to the planet.
Take responsibility for the vibration you bring with you when you walk into a room.
Are you bringing negativity?
Are you crying over spilt milk?
Are you the pearls? Or are you the swine.
Are you succumbing to road rage?
These emotions will not improve anyone’s situation.
Be the demonstration of the world as you see it should be.
Harmony, Gracefulness, Graciousness.
Those who can see the better path forwards must be the eyes for those who remain asleep.
We can no longer keep running away from the problems our world faces.
There will be no farmland rural enough to escape the stratospheric 5G carpet bombing that is currently in works.
We must be forceful, and push the world in a better direction.
We must put the unpopular truth “out there” where it does not want to be heard.
We cannot “love & light” our way out of this one.
How often has this Codex enraged its audience?
It is never our intent to incite rage, but if that is the result of delivering the message that needs to be delivered…
So be it.
Have not fear in the face of evil.
Bow down not to the whim of Sheeple.
They need voices like ours, for their whole lives, all they have heard is the bullhorn of the Beast.
[Ellen] [Disney] [Maddow]
Those with the message of submission to Pharaoh certainly have no qualms about making themselves heard.
Let’s introduce a counterpoint.
Be the change.
Be in the moment.
Be a Shaman.
The “Somebody better fix this!” mentality is the road to Hell.
Be that “somebody.”
Some will survive,
And some will go insane.
Beware of getting lost at the bottom of the rabbit hole.
When you lose site of anything you can hold onto as a foundation of “known” truth, things can get scary, and a bit overwhelming.