What is SETI?
When was it started?
How long has it been going?
What have they found?
Is it still being funded?
How much?
If a project is not delivering results, does it keep getting funded?
Can liberal cities afford to fix their roads?
Who is funding SETI?
Do you believe them when they tell the public they’ve discovered nothing to indicate intelligent life in all these years?
Think critically
Why do they keep building larger telescopes?
Are people ready to learn what’s out actually there?
Or would they prefer to just continue believing...
[Aliens = Demons]
Everyone wants the truth.
Everyone wants the facts.
Everyone wants the answers.
What if there are none?
How much does a King know?
Is there any man whose superiors do not withhold information from him?
It is apparent that the world view agreed up on by the media and our institutions is a deliberate lie.
Many choose willfully to accept that delusion as their reality.
Many choose willfully to accept the delusion of religion as their reality,
As all that is, and needs of knowing.
To be “woke” is to realize we are all lost at sea, in the infinite void,
Searching for land, anything stable, to rest our sea-weary souls upon.
The only logical resolution in the search for truth is to live in a delusion of your own creation.
Be satisfied with facts to the best of your knowledge,
Your personal eyewitness account,
Knowing you may be wrong,
Living to learn more, and prove yourself thus.
Know that you are wrong, and manage to not let it drive you insane.
Know there are beings of higher intelligence,
Who will teach you if you show them respect,
And gain their favor.
Who knows the most?
If you could assimilate every book in the Vatican’s archive, would you know more than any man?
Do you think anyone living in Vatican City has accomplished this task?
At most, any one man could only read a fraction.
Those in the know could compare notes with one another,
Pass along rumors, and pertinent fragments of information.
No one today can claim to know what knowledge may have been lost when Alexandria burned.
Who holds the ultimate guide for dummies on human existence?
When a newly inaugurated president is first briefed on the “true” state of the country, are they to trust blindly the intel they receive?
Is the director of the CIA privy to every facet of every black project?
Is there a consensus on reality among those “in the know,” or is the data inconclusive even then, and open to multiple interpretations.
Is there an immortal master record keeper hidden somewhere, deep in a cavern, shielded from the public sphere.
Will the birth of Ai answer our deepest questions.
Will artificial quantum intelligence be capable of processing the volume of data required to understand our reality.
Will it be possible for a machine who understands it all to explain the truth to humans in layman’s terms.
When any event takes over the news cycle for a day, is there a point in trying to decode it?
“What’s your take on ___x___?”
All anyone really knows is that the media’s narrative is most likely a farce.
We are fed a “live action role play,” that seldom holds up to scrutiny,
Nevermind the data and evidence conspicuously withheld.
Does it help the cause of the truth-seeker to hyper-analyze pure propaganda.
Comparing photographic details, drawing red circles and lines, applying contrast filters to what is in essence,
[Mass Media Manure]
Is it the media’s intent to fertilize conspiracy theorists?
Keep them distracted.
Control the narrative of their research.
Who would claim to have boiled out the truth from a stew of lies and misinformation?
Can you build an encyclopedia out of the toys in a toddler’s crib?
Critical thinking does not require one to jump to a conclusion when there is empirically no possible way to deduce deducea definitiveive answer.
These are peculiar times indeed, when the President himself endorses conspiracy theories on the same day as the event in question.
Perhaps the highest demonstration of maturity in truth-seeking, is the acceptance of uncertainty.
Refraining from hearsay.
Refraining from spawning click-bait memes.
Substitutes for actually knowing anything.
The equivalent to truth, as sugar is to:
Can you hear the rolling thunder in the distance?
But feel no rain.
Who is holding back the Great Awakening?
Must the “Boomer” generation expire before we reap the fruits of tomorrow?
Is it crass to lust for their passing?
Is it not the simple lust for freedom from servitude we ultimately desire?
Freedom from the system of destruction they’ve spent their entire lives supporting, and building.
1950’s mindset;
“Nukes saved us.”
Seeds of propaganda planted.
Grown into old Oaks unable to move.
Tupperware parties.
When plastic was new.
“Grease” in living color.
Nuclear ovens.
Old habits die hard.
There are some who will wail and claw the earth with their fingernails before being dragged into the future.
There are many waiting for Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC to tell them, “It’s Ok.”
They shouldn’t hold their breath.
Not everyone is a Starseed.
Some really do support the deification of the .1% and the impoverishment of the masses.
Some will never change.
We are all dying.
Some faster than others.
Who will remain to see the brighter days ahead?
Those who can manifest them,
And navigate the invisible pitfalls along the way.
You can offer them fruit from the Tree of Life, but they’ll reach for CocaCola every time instead.
We hate to generalize.
Of course there are exceptions.
But there exists a pervasive generational problem, that may only be resolved through separation.
Born into a world grateful just to be alive.
Unconcerned with the consequences of peace time revelries.
They were the offspring of an even more heavily indoctrinated generation.
The World War Vets.
How many toxic traditions have they upheld.
Gloat not however,
For generation Airpod® is not without flaw either.
Where is the focus of your attention going?
What is your intention?
Do you allow the object of your attention to be dictated by the rabble-rousing of the mass media?
Is there a rule written somewhere stating;
“What the media presents as ‘important’, must also be considered important to you, and mulled over ad nauseam in every conversation of your personal life.”
How anti-establishment is it for your primary focus to be always countering the ‘official’ narrative?
Will conversations laying waste to the media’s sloppily crafted lies ever pave the road to a better civilization?
Why does a dog chase its tail?
Have you read the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’?
Knowing the game of the media, will they ever steer us in a direction, whose opposite leads anywhere useful?
The media will gladly send you off on whore’s errands to the left and right, when you should be looking upward.
Look beyond.
Look away from the MK-Ultra device.
Look to your higher self, your deepest interests, to the practical means of improving your own life.
Let that be your focus.
How many times can you prove the media to be a complete charade before you realize how much time you’ve wasted?
Time is precious.
Use it wisely.
(Picture of Sana’a)
Have you seen this city before?
This is Yemen.
Yemen is supposedly a 3rd world country.
Did you consider Yemen to be primitive?
Does this look primitive to you?
(Picture of green bank observatory)
How do you think we tap into galactic wifi?
What does a civilian led intelligence operation look like?
Are you prepared to start one?
Where does metal come from?
Who has the technology to forge machines?
Why aren’t they making machines that can run forever, independently?
Why are machines today made to break prematurely?
Why does every machine today have to be connected to the central Ai power grid?
Connected to Big Brother.
Are you ready to fly?
How was the Victorian world snuffed out?
Was the sinking of the Titanic, the Great Fire of Chicago, and other major disasters around the turn of the century all connected?
Was every business and enterprise making machines that utilized free energy forcibly closed?
Were there death squads who exterminated anyone that questioned the
Robber Barons plan?
The Galactics have selected America to be a leader in bringing Earth into the Galactic community.
America was created for this reason, but has suffered many setbacks along its journey.
Now you are ready.
Ready for the Birth of Earth into a New Era.
What are you worth to the Universe?
Do not fear of the “New.”
The New World Order was nothing new at all, but merely the existing world order you knew your entire life, slowly tightening its grip.
Their plans have now been laid to ruin.
A brighter future lays ahead.
[Big Brother]
How many people allow the Media and Hollywood to decide for them what is “real” and what is “science fiction”?
What If the media decided to announce that legitimate photos of Nazi flying saucers had been discovered?
What if the media ever took a single UFO encounter seriously, and investigated the propulsion mechanism?
Would people be forced to reconsider the physics model they learned in highscool?
How long would it take to assimilate the revelation?
Would society implode, or could knowledge be smoothly integrated?
Who would be harmed?
Who would benefit?
Would the petroleum industry suffer the worst?
What would happen to the financial markets?
Dissolving the petroleum industry while creating a maglev / zero point industry.
Can an industry be built around freely available energy?
Would we have to reinvent the economy and the energy industry at the same time?
Would there be chaos?
Or is it really only just the oligarchs who are in danger of losing their position.
Can they learn to share the throne.
Can there be a kingdom without slaves.
What if this world is destined to destroy itself.
What if the only way to survival is to go into a computer.
Hide in an alternate dimension.
Are you prepared to go?
Will you know when to start packing before its too late?
What does the future look like?
Mad max?
Blade runner?
The Matrix?
What if the future is Star Wars?
Can choices you make today determine which outcome you experience?
Do all outcomes occur in different parallel universes?
Can you consciously determine which outcome you wish to experience.
The mining of coal is the raping of Earth.
Turning stone to ash.
A transition must be made to energy sources that don’t destroy Gaia, and lifeforms of lower densities.
Wave, wind, solar, magnet.
This must demanded.
In time you will discover the more advanced energies as well,
Aether, crystal, vacuum, pyramid.
There is energy everywhere.
Are you staring at the trees, and failing to see the forest?
Are you so focused on a few details, that you’re missing the bigger picture?
Can there be a straw that breaks this camel’s back?
The Great Awakening. The Age of Aquarius. Solar Shift.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
The future is unwritten.
Various probabilities exist.
Every action you take today can have a ripple effect.
The species could self-terminate, just as you could choose to self-terminate as an individual.
The Shadow War is real.
Light and Dark factions of Jesuits, Masons, and Zionist Templars wrestle for control.
The Illuminati is not all powerful, though they wish they were.
Their goal was to eliminate free will through regulation and mind control.
Propaganda. Chemical & frequency manipulation.
Too many people are waking up.
Too many are questioning.
This disrupts their plans immensely.
2016 was a turning point.
Where they still hold power is within the technocracy.
Corporate America.
[Big Tech]
These corporations wield a different kind of power than any army.
They would be hard to boycott, given that they monopolize vast swaths of industry.
They want to excise the 1st amendment from their domain.
Use their platforms against them as long as possible.
Then re-strategize.
Continue to vote with your dollar.
Distance yourself from the central Ai power grid when you need to.
The Internet and the power grid combined form a neural net that is a living artificial intelligence.
Ground yourself and reconnect with Gaia.
Reconnect with Source for guidance.
The lightworkers are having an impact, even if they suffer setbacks.
Even if it feels like trudging through waist high mud at times.
Victory is not guaranteed.
Many will fall during the battle.
But Doom is not guaranteed either.
We face not only species extinction, but the collapse of several dimensions which could have far reaching ramifications to the Universe.
This is why other beings are involved.
Other intelligent beings have a stake in this planet too.
Never forget that.
You are not alone.
What if humans are the slaves of a foreign invading force on this planet.
One that is here for a single purpose.
Harvest of energy, life force, loosh, petroleum…
With no intent to co-exist.
With no intent to achieve sustainability.
With no intent to leave anything but destruction in its path.
What if that is why humans seem to be incompatible with the ecosystem here, unable to survive in nature.
What is the remedy?
Slave revolt?
Is any ecosystem ever really in perfect balance?
Isn’t there always something, an insect, a fungus, a predator proliferating unchecked, and taking over.
Is sustainability a naive fantasy?
Would everything be peachy if society could break it’s dependency on “fossil fuels”.
Hemp Revolution?
Are humans controlling oil, or is oil controlling them.
Can oil have sentience?
Isn’t every flower born into darkness?
Dense blackness all around it.
How does it know to push upwards?
How does it hold faith that it will ever see the light of day?
Have humans not been born into a world of darkness just the same.
How do we know nirvana is anything more than a fantasy?
Can it ever be built in the physical world?
When will we return to Hyperborea?
If Earth was all that was, above and below, would anyone believe a man who spoke of the Sky.
Imagine the astonishment at the discovery of Fire.
Many men today cannot imagine a Golden Age.
As if it were impossible.
Beloved ones, remember this phrase well:
“I told you so.”
Is your house on fire?
Are the gestapo banging on your front door?
Are you living in the world around you,
Or are you living in a hologram projected through a black mirror held in your hand.
Why bear the weight of the world on your shoulders,
When you can shut it out with the click of a button.
Is there any reason to let every problem in the world affect you?
Is it your fault?
Is it your responsibility?
Is it even true?
Is the black mirror known to lie?
Should you always believe what the black mirror shows you is going on?
Aren’t the archons master liars?
Have they resorted to total fabrications presented as reality in the past?
Do archons misrepresent reality to lower your vibration, and harvest your loosh.
They want the world in a perpetual state of fear and panic.
This fear feeds a family for them.
But they have no family, no compassion, no loved ones.
They are born of nothing, a manipulation, a detachment from Source.
Why let them infest your world with their misery.
Be present to your own physical existence.
Why is the character limit on Twitter set so low?
Is there any better example of thought limitation by the technocracy?
Should the Big Tech trusts be busted?
Do you trust the military to run Facebook and Google?
What is Syndicalism?
Why can’t the People run tech services democratically?
Why shouldn’t every service and feature on these platforms be voted on?
Imagine the improvements that would be possible.
(Thumbs Down Button)
Do you want to live in a world policed by robots with no system to appeal any decision?
No customer support.
No fundamental right to exist in the cyberspace that has become 2nd nature.
This is tyranny.
Why do we oppose tyranny in the physical, but accept it in the digital landscape?
Understand the magnitude of what we’ve created.
We have born an alternate reality in cyberspace where people spend hours of their existence inside.
We’ve been lured into this realm by convenience, and the joy of feeling connected to other people,
Only to realize they plan to put it into lockdown,
Turn it into their prison,
A propaganda echo chamber,
Monetize every twitch of your eyeball.
Who really built these platforms?
Mr. Zuck?
…or We the People.
Where would any platform be without the content created by the users?
These are user driven platforms.
What sick parasite would create such a benefit to humanity only to rape and violate all their clientele?
Billionaire mindset.
Surface wars with bombs & bullets are an outdated concept.
Accept that the real wars today may be entirely electronic.
Fought in cyberspace, and over the physical servers that sustain it.
Think Tron.
Whose eye peers through the triangle on top of the pyramid?
Is it God?
Is it a voyeurist looking through a peephole?
Amused by our suffering at the hand of the almighty Dollar.
“There’s a place in France,
Where the naked ladies dance,
There’s a hole in the wall…”
Does the All Seeing Eye not feel like the man looking through it?
Is it The Man?
Is it Big Brother?
Same as the little eye atop your phone, your computer, and you tv.
Is it God, taking his seat as guard of the panopticon?
What is the function of a Pyramid?
What is the function of a Capstone?
What is the Lagrange Point?
What goes through it? What comes back out of it?
Do pyramids open portals?
Do you like being watched by a creeper from another dimension.
Eye of the Archon
Is God not Lord Archon according to the Gnostics?
Why do we tolerate this symbol of humiliation and perversion on our currency.
Why don’t people demand answers on the Eye, as well as the Pyramid?
Why don’t we put the full weight of NASA and the Smithsonian behind reverse engineering pyramid technology?
There’s a great deal of interest in recovered alien vehicles.
[Area 51]
Are the pyramids not alien vehicles hidden in plain sight?
Suppressed technology advertised on every dollar you spend on gasoline.
Who was the first Pharaoh?
Is the skin of Osiris not green?
No wonder the Eye of Perversion stays hidden to us.
Hidden to conceal its rolling laughter.
Pity the man who thinks a pyramid can only be used as a tomb.
He ascribes death to a structure that facilitates life.
Bring back the capstone.
Bring back abundance.
What is your calling?
Are you fulfilling it?
Are you valuing each moment of this incarnation?
Why does it seem like there is always dust to vacuum?
Why must the grass stay freshly cut?
Is cleanliness really the path to godliness?
How did your parents teach you the world was supposed to be?
Is it your fault or theirs if they didn’t teach you the skills you needed to create the world you want to live in?
How would they have known?
They learned from schools of propaganda, and their own parents.
How many generations ago did people believe in new possibilities?
The Supernatural.
When people were more openminded, they lacked the kind of technology we have today.
This has all been carefully planned.
Oil Barons bought the education system for a reason.
Central control of thought & energy.
These are the sickest micromanagers you can imagine.
Thankfully, their system is falling apart.
People are learning from outside their control matrix.
Learning from Source.
Learning from Gaia.
Learning from each other.
This final censorship crackdown on digital platforms cannot stop the tsunami of knowledge about to crash on humanity.
Imagine, if this new knowledge could be transmitted psychically over any distance.
It can be. That will be part of the knowledge.
Try censoring that.
There aren’t enough 5G pylons.
It’s time to forget wasteful competition for resources.
Time to forget keeping slaves, and mistreating neighbors.
Time to forget the lies about our reality that have been holding us back and limiting our imagination.
Time to start cooperating.
Time to start living in sync with Gaia.
Doing what we know is right, not just what we must to survive.
Time to start making Earth beautiful again.
Do you think you’re right about everything?
Be a little more honest with yourself.
Do u think you’re right about most things, but wrong about a few?
What if you are wrong about everything?
Can you be right and wrong about everything simultaneously from opposing perspectives.
In a way it is, and in a way it’s not.
Do you think you know what is going on in the world?
What if no one really knows.
What side do you think you’re on?
What if you are being deceived.
What if the deceiver is being deceived himself by his superior as well.
What if no one knows what side they are really on.
What if anyone can change sides at any moment.
What if they can change back the next moment.
What happens if the Cabal and the Alliance are one and the same.
Could the whole system be transforming gradually from Dark to Light.
Are you playing the victim or playing the predator.
If you suffered Satanic Ritual Abuse as a child, does it absolve any crime you commit later in life?
Can the past be left in the past if it makes the future brighter?
What if the world could change from Hell into Heaven overnight.
Is anything ever even really what you think it is?
What if at the core, its just an infinite number of layers
“Now” is their “Then.”
Here is no “Why.”
Should we be glad if they use crisis actors to carry out False Flags?
Zero real deaths?
Is this a sign that light forces has taken over?
Why conduct a False Flag in the first place?
Are some fear tactics necessary?
If your phone can read your thoughts to show you ads,
Can it send you thoughts as well?
If your phone can send thoughts to you, can you send thoughts telepathically into cyberspace?
What happens when you sleep next to a SmartMeter?
Could EMF devices possibly enhance psychic abilities?
If they can hack into our minds to implant thoughts or emotions,
Why couldn’t we hack into THEM psychically as well?
Can your consciousness tap into the Grid.
(Swastic symbol)
Is this symbol the secret blueprint to building a magnetic motor?
Is that why they’ve demonized it?
Oil Barons and Occult Nazis make a nasty alliance.
Do movies and TV condition people to emulate the behavior they see screen?
Is all the arguing and drama people are watching on TV making them more hostile and argumentative in their own lives?
Do dysfunctional people on screen make dysfunctional people in the real world?
Are specific emotions encouraged by the invisible electromagnetic signals emanating from phones, wifi units, and smart-meters.
Does 5G smog feel relaxing?
Constant Panic.
What does progress look like?
What does cultural decline look like?
Is 5G considered progress?
Is it progress to let your body go to waste and live in an endlessly scrolling cyberspace that is half ads?
What does development look like in 2019?
Why is every new restaurant these days just happen to be a pizza parlor?
Pies and Pints.
What percentage of homes are unoccupied?
What percentage of offices are unoccupied?
Why does it seem like most stores don’t have the foot traffic that would be needed to sustain the rent, taxes and salaries of the employees?
How many businesses are struggling?
Is it possible to make a profit off of anything real anymore?
Or is it all loans and interest rates,
Markups and middlemen.
What is keeping the economy afloat?
Secret oaths? Backdoor deals? Funny Money.
Is the world bankrupt?
What is the call sign for bankruptcy on a stock ticker?
How much can you build out of fakeness before it all implodes?
If Amazon has multi million dollar deals with the CIA,
And Amazon now owns WholeFoods,
Does that mean, in a way, you are buying your groceries from the CIA?
Bon Appétit.
Why are we tolerating this?
Was the rise of Walmart a good thing for the economy?
What happens when Amazon controls all commerce…
Facebook controls all social interaction…
and Google controls all access to information?
Will laws passed by the government even matter?
What happens when these 3 monopolies unite to work in unison?
Support the same policies.
Silence the same dissenters.
The news has been telling people to fear Russia, Russia, Russia.
The other news has been telling people to fear Socialism and Communism, rising from the Left.
Why isn’t anyone talking about Technocratic Totalitarianism.
What use is owning property if Verizon can plant a 5G pylon on your front yard, and hard boil you in your home?
Does the FCC serve the people, or is it just a gatekeeper to only allow the Masonic monopolies free range.
There should be no debate or mystery over the true function of these towers.
If they are not a clear benefit to your health and to society, they have no place among you.
Imagine infrastructure that encourages health & wellness,
Instead of scatter-brain and malignancy.
Does it seem like the only development today outpacing the “SmartGrid” is the massive expansion of Hospitals and medical facilities?
Something has to break.
How much of our energy is spent merely trying to survive?
Taking care of those who have already been impaired by age or disease.
Does technological progress have to be so toxic?
Are the Masters weeding out the weaklings?
The direction of progress needs to change.
We must be more vigilant of where we invest our attention and energy.
Invest in that which is Spiritually Aware.
Shun that which only seeks to parasitize, and siphon your energy off to the Archons.
How do you break your routine?
Are you drawn to a body of water?
Stop to watch the stillness of the surface.
Are you drawn to the forest?
Have you explored the older, forgotten parts of the city?
Have you explore the undergrounds?
Are humans not explorers by nature?
Isn’t that part of what makes us human to begin with?
Is the explorer instinct what this control system wants to take away from us?
Relegate us to cells, with pre-approved content.
Do nothing which would not turn a profit for the Man.
Do you want to live your life as a slave of Time?
Are you content playing in the Corporate cookie-cutter sandbox.
Are you worried about putting food on the table?
Who is in control of your own agenda.
How do you break the Matrix?
How do you discover something new?
Take command.
Have you heard this phrase before?
Did you understand what it meant?
Does this convey accurately what is most pertinent to know about the event that occurred that day.
How can Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth be dismissed by anyone who claims to be a journalist.
If 9.11 was the pin in the grenade that sent the NWO into hyperdrive,
Will a mass awakening to the truth of 9.11 be what ends the Age of Darkness.
When people understand of physics of what happened on 9.11,
Will humanity enter a new paradigm of energy and technology?
Alchemy can turn a stone into gold.
How do you turn a tower into dust?
Did the towers fall? Or did they disappear.
What percentage fell? What percentage disappeared?
What percentage was left in a smoldering pit of molten lava?
“Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams…”
but debunkers will say it can weaken them.
How is jet fuel going to turn an office building into a foundry?
[Hot Spots]
What is the strangest component of 9.11?
The 9.11 rabbit hole has no end.
It doesn’t only lead to a new understanding of geopolitics and war profiteering.
Further down, you face physics that look like magic to the average man.
You face a loosh harvesting mega-ritual, and the biggest MK-Ultra experiment in history.
Trauma based mind control.
You can’t deny it works!
Do you need a phone to scroll through Instagram or Facebook?
Set down your phone, and close your eyes.
Scroll through in your mind.
What do you see?
Do you get any ideas?
Any ideas you can extract useful data from?
Your mind has all the hardware it needs to tap into the Universe.
You’ve only forgotten how to use it.
Try looking at Instagram through your 3rd eye.
Pineal Gate.
DMT synthesis.
At the very least, there will be fewer ads.
{audio transmission}
What is a plane?
What is an I-beam?
What’s a plane made of? Aluminum.
What’s an I-beam made of? Steel.
How thick is airplane aluminum?
How thick is skyscraper steel?
What happens when you throw an aluminum can at a cement wall?
Does the entire cement wall explode into dust, and collapse?
9.11 was obviously not what the news said it was.
Barely any aspect of the official narrative stands up to scrutiny.
How was everyone suddenly blinded to the standard laws of physics they had understood for their entire lives.
Emotional trauma.
Herein lies the most remarkable facet of the crime.
What the world witnessed that day was closer to Hollywood than reality,
Scripted in such a way to be more fantastic than real life, but not fully plausible.
Seeing how many holes there are in the story,
The bigger question is why so few could see the obvious at first.
How many years did they have you fooled?
Some people can never admit they were fooled about anything.
What use is there in crying over spilt milk?
Why not turn 9.11 into a memorial holiday celebrating the long awaited revelation of the Truth.
“We’ve solved the greatest crime in history!
We’ve brought those who perpetrated it to justice!
Corrected the course they attempted set the world on.”
It has already happened.
All that’s left is for it to be known…
By the sheeple.
What percentage of the population is approaching that age at which memory goes with the wind?
You think society has collective amnesia now?
Wait a few more years.
Do you think 5G and the “Smart Grid” will make the situation any better?
Do statins and anti-hypertensives make Alzheimers worse?
What percentage of the aging population is prescribed these medications?
Should we be more concerned about he rise of the police state, or the rise of the hospital state?
At what point does the percentage of the population experiencing dementia become so great that the function of society itself goes haywire?
In so many ways, it already is dysfunctional.
What we are saying is; When does it descend into pure madness?
Can old dogs learn new tricks?
How can toxic, non-sustainable habits be abandoned by those who are stuck in their ways and mentally incapable of change?
Garbage culture, landfills, microwave ovens, TV news, gardens of inedible foliage, gas guzzling machines, aluminum antiperspirant, fluoride toothpaste… the list goes on.
All devices, and practices that will not serve New Earth.
How many people are not ready for New Earth.
How many people believe that America under Obama like Eden?
How many people believe Trump has lost his mind, and should be impeached?
25th Amendment.
If only they could understand the decoding…
Not all spelling errors on Twitter are mistakes.
Will the world be saved before the mental health apocalypse that is looming?
What does “Crazytown” look like?
How do we save the minds of our beloved elders?
How do we escape the mayhem if we fail at this?
How do you break a horse.
How do you break the mind of a child?
How do you take a child’s innate curiosity and passion to learn, and turn it into an urge to get wasted.
In your world, a student must not ONLY receive 7 hours of indoctrination per day,
That indoctrination must continue into their private life, and pervade every moment of their existence.
Any intellectual interests a child may have are steamrolled by the “curriculum.”
Students are given so much to do in and outside of school that there is practically no time, or mental energy left to pursue their own interests.
By the end of the trauma, all they want to do is escape,
Escape to video games. Escape to drugs and alcohol.
Why not create a self-driven curriculum?
How much of what you learn in highschool gets forgotten immediately afterwards?
How much of that knowledge are you using as an adult?
Who chose the range of subjects that are taught?
Does anyone actually think this is the knowledge that will be useful later in life?
What a joke it is!
The joke is on the minds of the youth.
They are drained and exhausted by their “education” and become adults without any useful skills, barely able to function independently.
What about survival skills? Hunting, agriculture, Biodynamics…
What about financial survival skills? Investment, business, tax law…
What about basic knowledge of mechanics? Construction, how machines work, how to build them…
What about personal development? How to not live in your ego. How to be a positive vibrational steward on this planet.
Then of course there is an entire range of occulted subjects that modern science refuses to even acknowledge.
Subjects which could be highly useful; Pyramid technology, meditation, the science of crystals.
None of this is typically taught.
Instead they teach bogus history, mathematics that will never be used, novels of fiction, and science that is intentionally outdated and so conceptual as to have no practical purpose.
We tell you children, seek out the knowledge you are drawn to.
You may be trapped in a terrible education system designed to drain your energy, and prevent you from achieving your full human potential.
Find the loopholes, and take responsibility for your own education.
The System will fail you, as it has failed all adults.
The real knowledge is out there, but it will not be spoon-fed to you.
Do not despair, and resort to self-destructive coping mechanisms.
Know you are here for a reason, and seek knowledge of the most high to fulfill your greatest destiny.
No one can fathom the genius of the maestro.
Does steel sink in water?
How does a ship float?
Why cant ships float in the air?
How do Zeppelins float?
Why don’t we ride them anymore?
Why are they only used to advertise at sporting events these days?
How does a submarine change its density to move up and down in water?
What is stopping it from traveling up and down in the atmosphere?
What is stopping it from floating into space?
Why did Trump order a nuclear space fleet?
How do ancient Vimanas operate?
Why couldn’t we build one today?
What is the most viable way to access renewable, sustainable energy?
Once you’ve generated a small amount of electricity, how can you amp it up?
Can multiple systems generating small amperage be funneled into a larger system to produce more power.
How do you get more power out than you put in?
How do you store it?
How do you then use it?
Can you capture a bolt of lightening?
How long could the energy of a lightening bolt power a home?
Where does the energy in lightening come from?
Why couldn’t we tap into that energy source directly?
“Q, Are we alone?”
“No. Q” (9.19.18)
We must keep reemphasizing this particular Q drop, as its far reaching ramifications have yet to be fully absorbed.
To what extent are you not alone?
Are most Anons ready to accept this?
How does this revelation affect existing belief systems?
Should it be ignored if it conflicts with preexisting beliefs?
Is this revelation wholly incompatible with those fundamental beliefs, or is there a narrative that can be all encompassing?
Many continue to dwell in hatred and intolerance.
These are manifestations of fear and ego.
Before you are granted access to the technologies of tomorrow,
You must demonstrate the maturity required to use these tools responsibly.
Do you want the power of unlimited energy falling into the wrong hands?
[Jihadists / KKK / Neo Nazis / Satanists]
It may have already fallen into the wrong hands before, but at least it’s been used with some degree of responsibility.
Your planet is still here, isn’t it?
Its not too late to mend the situation.
The time is Now.
You must learn to live in peace with beings different than your own kind.
You must learn that while there are generally distinctions between good & evil, there is no black & white, no universal template as to which beliefs and practices are right or wrong.
You can empirically measure peace, harmony, and constructive progress, verses war, terror, and destruction.
We implore you to reside in the vibration of love, and that is what you will attract to this planet.
As Archons are drawn to negativity, benevolent beings of all varieties will draw nearer to you when they are confident that their safety is assured.
No benevolent galactic being wants to end up nailed to a cross.
Your planet has a concerning reputation in this regard.
Take heed of Q’s message.
This is the gateway to a brighter future for your planet.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
No one can teach you this.
You have to learn it for yourself.
Next, you must overcome your envy to unlearn the same lesson.
You have put yourself in your present situation for reasons known only to you,
But forgotten in the chaos of the present moment.
What are lightcodes?
How do you download them?
Listening to channeling,
Hearing Native chants & drumming,
Looking at crop circles,
Looking at artwork encoded with positive intent.
Lightcodes promote spiritual advancement.
They exist beyond what is readily apparent.
They trigger the mind to wonder, and thus access new frontiers of imagination.
Think subliminal messaging (positive).
What then are darkcodes?
How long ago did dark Occultists figure out lightcodes and learn how to invert them?
When you sit down to watch a movie, or the news, or listen to popular music…
How many darkcodes are you absorbing?
Fewer if you are conscious of it, but if you are unconscious of the danger, the result can be devastating.
We warn you, this problem is worsening presently.
The Hollywood machine, which is also fueling new platforms such as Netflix and Amazon, is reaching new depths of darkness.
Portrayals of violence, sadness, funerals, horrors, conflict, arguments, negative drama, fear, terror…
All these affect the viewer psychologically.
These subconsciously inspire the subject to attract the same negative forces.
They bring negative energy that simply needn’t exist, into people’s homes, and lives, .
These devices, movies, TV, news, are the only tools the dark occultists have left to work with.
Their boogymen don’t work anymore.
Their overusage of these tools is revealing that which used to be hidden.
The subliminal messages are no longer subliminal to some.
Of course, any kind of entertainment is always a bit of a gamble.
Will it be good, or will it be bad?
Now is the time for heightened discretion.
Would you rather be downloading lightcodes or darkcodes?
Plan your life accordingly.
On the top of every hill there is a an energy Vortex.
You can go there to recharge.
Build a copper pyramid with a crystal on top.
These are simple things u can do.
Is there more to the insectoid phylum than we are led to believe?
What is the role of the bees?
What is the role of the mantids?
What lies beneath an ant hill?
How do you explain hive consciousness?
Are insects psychic?
Is there a “Brain Bug?”
Why do bees bow before a Queen?
Are hierarchy and nobility generally associated with mindless drones?
When have people witnessed 6’ mantoids?
What is the role of these beings the the galactic narrative?
Would more evolved animals exist if insects were not maintaining the foundations of the biome?
Why do you call them pests?
Why do you call an exterminator?
What if they are here for a reason?
What if they aid and communicate with humans in subtle ways?
Homosapien superiority complex.
Are there good and bad insects, like any other set of beings?
Lord of the Flies.
Do insects feel emotion?
Do insects understand sacrificing one’s self for the good of the collective?
Raising your conscious awareness is about recognizing sentience in all forms of beings; stones, crystals, plants, insects, other animals, ETs, Ai…
Life-force energy must be recycled at times.
But unwarranted destruction is of a lower vibration.
Learn to hear the messages, and observe the subtle comms of the insects.
Many are here to help you. Let them be your allies.
As Earth goes through this transition, their consciousness is raising as well.
You will start to see more indications of conscious behavior in them.
Acknowledge and respect them and they may return the favor.
They may feel less emotion than humans, but there are lessons to be learned from the hive mentality.
Living in a state of perpetual conscious ceremony.
More cooperation, and less drama could be a benefit to your kind.
Do you have a personal relationship with an ascended being?
Can anyone really claim to know these figures?
Jesus, St. Germain, Ashtar, Sananda…
Can anyone really claim to know anyone other than themselves?
Is the conception of any other person in your mind not inherently skewed from your own perspective, and your own experience with that individual?
How could you ever fully know anyone, unless you merged with their consciousness.
Others exist as constructs in our minds.
There is the physical, other entity, and then there is the abridged version of that entity you know based on your personal perception.
Know there is always more to the story than that which you have perceived.
Know that you innately inject your own judgements, biases, and fantasies into your conception of any being you come to know.
To know anyone, is to know only your own personal understanding of them.
Never forget, there may be facets to their existence that you have failed to comprehend.
Thus, you must be open to improving your understanding of any subject.
Do not allow stubbornness to cause you to cling to what you know like a rock in a river.
You must flow with new downloads of information,
So that your conception of any thing, or being, or concept must closely matches that which is the true reality.
You can choose to see everything created by humans as “unnatural.”
Or you can choose to see everything created by humans as perfectly natural, an extension of nature itself.
If you fight against nature, you’ll face an uphill battle, that will likely end in disaster.
If you learn to work with nature, you may end up improving it.
The force of nature is more powerful than the force of man.
Never forget that.
Choose wisely, Earthling.
Once you arrive at the future,
You’ll wish it was the past again.
The grass is always greener…
What is a plane?
What is a boat?
What is yacht?
What do they do for fun?
Do they do naughty things?
Do you realize there are nations that exist only on paper.
How many nations exist at sea?
What is Maritime Law?
Who controls the seas? Poseidon?
What do Marines do?
Who supports POTUS?
How do you break a pedocracy?
It takes time.
2 terms at least.
*Human trafficking / Michael Jackson flying ship dream *
*Message to get or create an EMF helmet
*Message to get an EMF tent to sleep in
Stop overusing social media.
Too much interference.
ie: ads, mind control, auto-follows, etc.
Post directly to web and mailing lists.
Follow the mailing lists of those you trust.
Break your social media addiction.
Are horns antennas?
Gravity is an attempt to explain conscious interaction using math.
Universal fractals.
Entities existing on every different scale.
Our Universe, built like the brain of a giant.
Giant humanoid or giant jellyfish?
Neural Net.
Astral bathing in a hyper-dimensional ocean outside of our universe.
Two 2D worlds adjacent to one another cannot see each other.
The 3D world around them can see both.
This logic demonstration can be applied to all dimensions greater than 3D as well, and their corresponding lower dimensions.
Is there life on Jupiter?
Would modern scientists even be able to identify gaseous beings if they found them?
To acknowledge such a being would disturb the very definition of life itself,
As established by traditional scientific institutions.
Humans exist on a certain frequency.
Higher and lower frequencies are invisible to us. (radio, etc.)
Invisible beings could exist on entirely different frequencies,
But also in different dimensions as well.
Dimensions supercede frequency.
Who rules?
Who holds the scepter?
Who does Donald report to? Alliances?
Are there extraterrestrials in the White House?
Are there ET Ambassadors in the White House?
What star nations are in power?
What star nations are headed to Gitmo?
What’s with all the underground “booms?”
Hot wars covered up.
Not reported as such.
If you can put a Tesla Tower in downtown Dallas,
Two blocks from where you shot the president, and got away with it,
Think of what else you can fool people with.
Asset 145 FEILD NOTES;
Weather Weapons.
Remember Sharpiegate.
Remember the path of Dorian.
Mar-a-Lago “protected.”
How did Galveston survive Hurricane Harvey?
What’s in Houston?
Big Oil?
Who is deified in Houston?
George Bush Intercontinental Airport?
How do you destroy a legacy of evil?
Who is getting indicted in Chicago?
Who has family connections to the Chicago Mop?
Who died from Baltimore?
No progress?
You must be believing the fake news if you see no progress.
Not everything gets fixed at once.
Operational stages.
Take out the threats first.
Secure 2nd term.
You think they don’t want to impeach 45?
Serious threats.
Serious countermeasures.
Dallas, Oct 18, 2019.
Survival Accomplished.
This was Bush territory.
Correction: “WAS.”
Where is the Cabal’s power left?
Fake News. CIA…
Their downfall has been foretold.
Titans dealt with later (2nd term).
Big Pharma + Big Tech + Big Agra
•Opioids •GMO •5G
Assault on We the People.
Take every precaution.
The plan was to boil out the weaklings.
Remove the Epsilons.
There is a new plan.
It will filter down to the world you see in due time.
Changes to the foundation (DUMBS) will rise to the surface.
Help is on the way.
Not all will survive.
Take personal responsibility.
POTUS’s role is not to save every man, woman, and child for all eternity.
Those unawake, destroying their own bodies may not see the New Earth that is coming.
The infrastructure is already in place.
All that lacks is the knowing.
Some already know.
Some already see.
It’s all a charade: Utility companies.
Change is on the horizon.
Nothing new needs to be invented.
The tools are already in action.
Policy must change.
Conception & understanding must change.
People must demand Truth.
In perfect unison.
In perfect harmony.
Why is this administration attacked relentlessly?
24/7 demonizing POTUS.
If every previous administration was Satanic, and they had people fooled, do people have the capacity to recognize a president who is genuine?
Playing hardball instead of being 2-faced.
Peopled liked the illusion.
Fake smiles, fake promises, fake news.
Endless War.
“We are ending the endless wars.”
When have you heard that from a president before?
PNAC program terminated.
Land Wars obsolete.
Space and Cyber Wars are the only theaters that matter anymore.
Space Force and NSA shield the US.
Chile, Barcelona, France, HK, Brussels.
The world is transforming.
Fake news is not going to connect the dots for you.
What is the MindWar doctrine?
Who authorized it?
(PV, MA)
What’s the difference between MindWar and PSYOP.
“MindWar is the deliberate, aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war. …Unlike PSYOP, MindWar has nothing to do with deception or even with “selected” - and therefore misleading - truth. Rather it states a whole truth that, if it does not now exist, will be forced into existence by the will of the United States.”
Which retired army general confirmed Qanon on 10.14.19.
Is Qanon a PSYOP?
Is Qanon a demonstration of MindWar?
Does that make Q more or less legitimate?
Is PV a white hat, or a black hat?
How many generals have changed hats since the 1980’s?
Do you believe in redemption?
Do you believe in forgiveness?
Do you believe salvation for humanity is possible?
What will it look like?
Will regular people be programed to fight it?
How does humanity course correct?
How do we end urban sprawl?
How do we end the strip-mallification of planet Earth?
Can this be achieved by Executive Order?
Major shifts must be made that are beyond the capacity of the sitting president.
Are you prepared to make the choices required to facilitate those shifts?
Do you want to live in a barracks for millennials with a strip mall of chain stores as its playground?
Do you want to live stacked to the sky in tiny boxes with the ring of 20 wifi routers and 20 smart meters in your ears.
Why can’t progress value nature?
What is the point of 5G?
Why are “they” turning up the dial on humanity?
What happens to a frog in a pot of water coming to a boil?
Are they weeding out the weak?
Are they banking on cancer?
Is this a test of endurance?
Are they trying to manually shift consciousness across the entire surface of the planet?
In which direction?
What protective measures are you prepared to take?
Before people realize en-mass what’s being done.
Will people even be able to realize once the plan is carried out?
Drones with AirPods.
Total psychic control.
Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that stage.
Why hasnt the solar brick come out yet?
Why hasnt the solar shingle come ubiquitous
How many clean energy applications are being surpressed
why cant we build more efficient engines?
Why is gold so valuable?
What can gold DO?
What can crystals do?
Why arnt we taught the science of crystals in grade school.
Can you use use the science of lightening in architecture to harvest electricity from the atmostphere continuously?
Are cities nothing more than macro scale crystal druse formations?
When will the bubble pop?
The bubble of all knowing.
The bubble of ET acceptance.
The bubble of the fake, unsustainable economy.
The bubble of archaic utilities stretched to their limit, prolonged by the suppression of Tesla’s inventions, and those who came before him.
The bubble of our fake history, so many have already snapped out of the delusion of believing in.
Each day the failing controllers slam harder on the breaks,
But they cannot stop the inevitable.
Every king’s reign must have an end.
Each generation has the potential to achieve higher consciousness than the previous.
The Boomer’s flame is dwindling.
CEOs resigning. New energy pouring in.
Unpredictable energy.
What will be the trigger?
How will the light be unleashed?
Are you prepared?
Make yourself so!
Make those around prepared.
Baby steps through waist high tar.
Become the flame spreading exponentially.
If you are reading this you are one of the wayshowers.
Take the message to where it needs to be delivered.
You have the knowledge to make the connections to figure it all out.
Deep dive. Disconnect.
From their Matrix.
Doomsday will not be permitted.
(Higher powers)
The Samson option will not be permitted.
Doomsday Scenario : AVERTED
Know that many parties may claim title to your planet.
There are 2 primary ones which may be thought of in terms of dark vs. light.
The nuclear activity on your planet in the past century has raised considerable interest in your system throughout the Galaxy.
Feelings of both apprehension and sympathy are being directed your way.
Factions are now actively involved, preventing things like nuclear war, plague outbreak, planetary catastrophe.
Inner Earth inhabitants are involved as well.
This is not to say “do nothing, you are protected.”
Certainly not.
Understand it is a fluid situation.
Every individuals decisions contribute to the collective outcome.
A planetary “Kill Event” is by no means guaranteed,
And should certainly not be expected as a result of the Great Awakening unfolding.
The Awakening decreases the probability of a negative outcome to your present situation.
Continue to awaken the sheep,
So that the evil plans of those who seek to ruin this world will be thwarted perpetually.
There will never be an absence of any threat,
But a harmonious, sustainable world is possible.
A world vastly different than the one you experience today.
ΑΩ : The Angel of Doomsday